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Cptn Moose

Captain's Log, Stardate 10303.25

Captain's Log, Stardate 10303.25


The Arcadia is the guest of Miren VI, a virtual paradise built on slave labor.  As repulsive as this concept is to our sensibilities, the Prime Directive is clear.  We may not interfere with alien cultures.  This is a policy forged by 200 years of bitter experience, and I have no desire to undermine its intent.


But allegations have been made against the Mirens.  Mr. Stardust claims that they've sold Federation citizens into slavery.  My biggest problem right now is waiting for proof before choosing to violate our biggest rule.


I wonder if I would be this angry if Kelly Quest were not involved?  For years, I've believed that she was dead.  That belief has also been called into question.


I'm not sure how to describe my feelings for Kelly.  I can remember her boarding the Arcadia-C as if it happened yesterday.  She was energetic and exotic; filled with a spirituality that others have lacked after centuries of self-discovery.  Ensign Quest was first assigned to me when I was Chief of Security.  She had instincts and guts.  One day, out of nowhere, she pointed a phaser at the First Officer's head, and within moments I was leading a mutiny against the command staff.  I had no idea at the time that they had been infected by mind controlling parasites.  Kelly sensed that something was wrong, that was all I needed.


More than my colleague, never my lover, the word 'friend' is as tepid as the word 'wind' when describing a cyclone.  Kelly Quest was my partner.  This connected our lives, forever.  Kelly named me as guardian of her son, David, in her last will and testament.  I'd be raising him today if he hadn't stowed away to Paktar with Ambassador Moose, on the far side of the Beta Quadrant.


I've been told that she's alive.  I've been told that she's been enslaved.  And it's my responsibility to protect her oppressors from the wrath of my crew and my government until these claims have been proved.  Truly I am torn.  I command a battery of the most advanced weapons known to the Federation, and tectonic sensors that are capable of detecting even the most benign planetary fault.  The temptation is almost more than I can resist.


Shore leave has been canceled and all crew have been ordered back to the ship, while we count heads and make sure no one is missing.  Extensive sensor sweeps are being made looking for the faintest bioreading that might come from a Federation species.  Meanwhile, Ziggy is undergoing one of Dr. Telano's most comprehensive physicals.


It would be easier for all of us if we discovered Ziggy was delusional or insane.  Heaven help the Mirens and their 'partners' if he is not.


Cptn Moose

USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

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