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Down the lighted path.....Darkly

::reasearch computer....begin recording::He waited for the all to familiar chime::.......::computer ..recording::..computer begin recording index at mark..mark::

He had just finished approx. twenty eught hours of continous ,without so much as a

coffee break research with the on the subject of common myths/tales/fabels..assoc .

with the numerous tales and traditionial lore connected by a common thread...a thread

known simply as vampires,werewolves,and the varied ,numerous incarnations known

of on as many planetary systems.......and galaxies that were known in the space sta.

extensive library...as well as the main medical reference library located at star fleet hq.


He had instructed the computer to corellate..and assign ..and download..the data from

what seemed an endless array and number of transcripts from what seemed to be a thousand different worlds..as time went on he had to replace the PADDS frequently as

they literally ran out of memory........and that in itself was an out of the ordinary event

as many in the medical ranks know the PADD has the ability to store quite a large and

at times ...way too much information....data base...,He was going through the PADDS

like so much candy....


He had resolved early on to persevere as long as it did take to resolve this question..

this anomiality that seemed to manifest itself only in fairy tales,rumor,and legends...

However it was brought starkley to the fore ...in their last mission on Al-Ucard..and the indegenious population of that dark,gloomy,stormy planet,and how it did play

an important and integral part in not only their brief stop over there for repairs and

reparations....supplies.,but how it may ultimately effect not only the ship and crew

at this point in time..no ..how it has effected the past,present,and possible future of

the UFP.and to our heirs..there was a common string...and he was hell bent to find

out the bottom of it....!


He had finally closed the last PADD down load.and ordered the reasearch computer

to end log....when he was struck with the enourmity of his reasearch and findings..

he had in fact drawn...,and could demonstrate a connection between the ancestors

of that planet.....and his own ,as well as numerous worlds and civilations that were

contacted,and were assimilated..much longer than what their worlds did exemplify

as technilogically advanced...hell terra ,by the research had beings on terra way,way

before the basic age of modern tech.,..not to mention before they reached for the

stars,after ending global warfare..leading to a unified peace..and a unified quest to

search out new worlds..and civilasitions...to boldy go from there..he had in fact ...

realized that he had ..perhaps......if lucky ..found a small part to the holy grail..as it

is known in medical..as well as scientific circles.


He stacked up the PADDS with an almost youthfull abandoment he tapped his

personal comm.badge and contacted Elaine..he was sure....and did infact insist he

was in privvy to research both she and quite possibly the commander,as well as

Star fleet would be most intrested in reviewing...he left the library in a haste to

meet Elaine in her office on ship.....to relay this information he knew was of crucial

importance.......knowledge through enlightenment.....darkly..::end log::

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