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Colonel Saehen tr’Gaejji sat in the briefing room of the Tal’Shiar warbird, Ixtrae, his eyes locked upon the young science officer speaking to him.


“We have fully examined the t’Rogoran remains,” the officer said dryly.




“At this time we can not conclusively say it was the Hundred,” his voice firm on that point as he looked directly at tr’Gaejji.


Gaejji’s eyes intensified, that was not the response he wanted.


“But neither can we rule out their involvement.”


“I see,” his voice perking slightly. “Very well au are dismissed.”


The officer nodded and left quickly, leaving tr’Gaejji to ponder his next course of action. At some level, he was relieved that the colony had been whipped out, and their connection to the Hundred severed. He did not approve of the arrangement with them, nor had he approved of the recent…action being taken by another Tal’Shiar Colonel.


And now he found himself cleaning up his mess. He reached over and tapped his commbadge. “Helm, cloak us and break orbit. Set course for Avalon, maximum warp. And get me a secure line to Admiral tr’Shaelon.”


“Ie!” crackled over the comms. In a mater of moments, Saehen felt the ship lurch to warp, and a few minutes later, the screen behind him flicker to life.


“Jolan tru,” was the next sound.


“Admiral.” tr’Gaejji, turned to face Khevio. Gaejji was medium height, but his features were sharp and distinctive enough to be imposing on their own. His eyes burned with a certain darkness that seemed to have end.


Khevio tr’Shaelon, supreme commander of all Galae forces in the Gamma Quadrant, nodded on screen. “Colonel, it has been a long time.”


“I see au have done well for auself, Khevio.”


“Au seem to have also done well, Saehen.”


The two had once been on the same assignment, before Saehen had been recruited to the Tal’Shiar. Saehen had been Khevio’s first officer on his first command, in fact…Saehen had been Khevio’s protégé until joining the Tal’Shiar; it was an action Khevio had never forgiven, or forgot.


“But I am not here to open old wounds,” Saehen said quickly before the conversation broke down.


“Of course na,” Khevio voice belayed the intense feelings of betrayal he held. “Au have been assigned as the new Tal’Shiar functionary to myself and Ambassador N’Kedre.”


“Ie,” Saehen nodded. “Where is the Ambassador, I have a report for au two.”


“She is on assignment, currently indisposed at the moment.”


Khevio’s quick response had caught Saehen off guard. “On assignment,” his response rhetorical, “I was na informed she was on assignment.”


“And why would au,” Khevio’s voice sharp and acrid, “Do na think that the Tal’Shiar badge au wear now gives au special privileges. The schedule of the Ambassador is na au concern, Colonel.”


“With quii due respect, Admiral,” Saehen’s voice simmering. “The woman is a security risk, I do na have to remind au of that, and frankly na to be trusted. I may not have approved of my predecessors actions, but do na think that her involvement will be so easily forgotten, she is a traitor and au know that.”


“Silence. She is more of patriot than any of au Tal’Shiar scum,” Khevio said angrily. “H’nah give au report quickly and be gone from my site, Hnoiyika.”


Saehen suppressed his anger at the insult from his former teacher. “As au wish,” his own voice growing more and more tainted by the rivalry. “We have completed our survey of the t’Rogoran system. And our findings are inconclusive to the origin of the attacks, we can neither confirm nor deny the involvement of the Hundred.


“We are enroute to Starbase Camelot to rendezvous with the fleet, pending further orders from au or Tal’Shiar command.”


“Au are to report back to Camelot, au will receive coordinates to join the fleet shortly. Urstev, tr’Shaelon’khoi.”


The screen flashed and the symbol of the Galae appeared on the screen then went black.

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