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Stardate 0512.07


Commander Robair, several Marines, Nikki, and I have just finished pulling this device out of the floor. We’re going to start scanning it once we get the rig off the device. We’re keeping the Marines around, just in case it turns out to be a Transformer or something else that could be dangerous.


Everything I’ve seen so far points to a strong Romulan movement to oppose the Treaty of Versailles. Until the bombing of the Diplomatic Center I would have just written the Pax Primus incident off as a small group of yahoos trying to scare us. Now I’m not so sure. To have pulled off something as massive as the bombing of the VDC tells me that these dissidents are a legitimate threat.


Hopefully this very large device will give us some information on what they’re doing. It’s got to be big if they went to the trouble of refitting a warbird to have a sealed, protected environment. They also quite obviously cleaned that room thoroughly so that we wouldn’t find anything. But then why did we pick up the signal that led us to this device? Did they forget about it? Did they not get to it? Or did they let it here on purpose for us to find? Well, I fully intend to be on the other side of those blast doors when we start tampering with it. I don’t want “Murray” to be the newest warbird décor.

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