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Personal Log

Subject: Personal Log

Date: Sat, May 31, 1997 3:24 PM

From: EnsNutt




Ensign Nutt walks slowly into his quarters looking around. He places his bags on the floor and takes in the feel of the room. "Hmm...I Think I'm gonna like it here."

he says to himself.


::walking over to the desk::   :::sits::


"Computer, Open Personal Log: Ensign Daren Nutt"


Computer> Begin Recording.


"This is my first entry. I have just arrived in my new quarters and I am trying to get the layout of this ship. This thing is huge ! It took me fifteen minutes to find my quarters. I have met 3 or 4 of the crew and they have made me feel welcome.

I have been assigned as Helmsman and I can't wait to take this bird out for a spin.

She looks like she could turn on a dime and give you change. I admit I am nervous about our first mission, I just hope the Academy has prepared me for whatever awaits this new ship. I am already being pursued by an eager Medical Dept. who can't wait to poke and prod me for my physical. I just hope I can dodge them a little longer. I have heard rumors that they poison new crewmembers with lolipops down there.  Time to unpack.    End Recording.


::Ensign Nutt rises from the desk and begins un-packing::::

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