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Lt Acrops Log 9703.29

Subject: Lt Acrops Log 9703.29

Date: Sat, Apr 19, 1997 8:43 AM

From: LtAcrop




Acrop walked up to sick bay, the new Engineer right behind him.  Saavik, Sovvik, Savvik--it was something.  Another Vulcan.  Pretty darn ironic.  Acrop was no fan of his own kind and he was now saddled in an Engineering bridge full of them.  The fact was though, the only Vulcan quality Acrop retained was the ears, and he was no fan of those.  


The two entered SB.  "Ann, talk to me." Acrop said.


"The Biobed, something happened, some sort of short circuit and explosion, there are circuits everywhere.  This would be a nice job for Savvik, easy repair.  As Acrop knelt down, he noticed the other new Ensign.  


"Hmmmmmm....." Acrop mumbled,  "Savvik, lets get to work.  Do me a favor and get a new circuit board for the upper left quadrant."  


Acrop looked through the wires.  This was not pretty...it also wasn't quite too logical.  Biobeds are one of the safest things on a ship.  They are made with minimal imperfection and risk, as people presumably are lying on them.  And this particular one was not an old model.  Sure it was about that time when *SOMETHING* had to go wrong *SOMEWHERE* but this, this was a bit....... extreme?


Savvik returned with the board.  "Molto bene....let's begin." Acrop pronounced.


"I am going to clear away these clown circuits, the transformer looks blown too.  Doc, have you been using unusually high levels of power?" Acrop turned to Ann but she was busy, he turned back.  


As Acrop worked he kept taking glances at Savvik.  He remembered his first week.  He was on his best behavior.  He said sir an average of about 3 billion times a minute.  And that was an understatement!  Funny thing was, TKai even felt a little uncomfortable with people saying sir--but he seemed pretty stern with this new kid.  Acrop had cleared away the area and Savvik had connected the board.


"Turn it on please."  Acrop asked.


Savvik went and turned it on, the biobed worked fine.  


"Just another day--in the SB" Acrop laughed as they stood to tell Ann.


"Acrop, Savvik get to Engineering Now!!!"  It was TKai. "We are having major problems all over the ship!!"


Acrop stood, listening.  No more fooling around, it was time to get down to business.

The two raced out of there and into engineering.

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