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Damage Report/Repair Status

In his log "First Time For Everything", Lt. Prell receives a padd detailing the situation between the Primary and Secondary hulls. This report appeared on that padd.


Damage Report/Repair Status

Stardate 0511.08


The hull breach on deck eight at section three is currently under repair. Estimate completion in six to eight hours. Damaged plates can be cut down to smaller plates or melted down for hull epoxy.


Repair work has begun on docking clamp Dorsal 7A. The clamping system experienced an electroplasmic short-circuit from the disruptor blast. When the disruptor shot breached the hull it sent several hull fragments into the local EPS grid. This caused the electrical short. The heat from the short caused some components to melt or fuse or otherwise become inoperative. The system also suffered disruptor splash damage causing microfractures in the clamp casing and some carbon scoring.


The entire Dorsal 7 assembly needs to be disassembled to get at all components and to repair microfractures in the casing. Repair estimate is two weeks.


Crewman Third Class Jason Williams has been assigned to this task with permission to call up all damage control personnel as need as well as to pull extra shifts to get the work done.


All repair parts needed are obtainable via cargo bays on both the Primary and Secondary hulls.


Lieutenant (j.g.) Gerhard Murray


Edited by WxMurray

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