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Damage Control Log

Engineering Log

Stardate 0511.02

Damage Control Specialist

Jason Williams


Well, things are just going from bad worse. We assessed the damage to the hull breach on the dorsal starboard hull. The damage didn’t look too bad. I informed Lieutenant Murray that if we could dock with the Primary we could repair the damage quickly and easily.


Yeah, not so quick and easy.


When he tried to dock one of the docking clamps failed to engage. We probably could’ve docked anyway, but Commander Robair and Captain Davies ordered us to abort. They said we could dock with the Tertiary, but frankly that isn’t going to do us much good. The idea of docking with the Primary was that we could make the repairs without having to do an EV job. Docking with the Tertiary does not give that luxury.


I have weighed the options, and unless ordered otherwise we are going to try and repair the latch. Hopefully that will work; if it doesn’t I am going to have to push as hard as I can to get us to dock without that clamp. I can set the docking protocol to bypass the damaged clamp. Given that we’ve got nine other clamps, two of which immediately surround this one, it really shouldn’t pose a problem. I would much prefer this than having to take time to go EV, which will prevent us from going to warp and from reuniting with the other sections.

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