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Chell Reno

Halo 2 Alternate Ending

I am way to lazy to beat the game on legendary but I heard there was an alternate ending if you beat it on this setting. Could someone please tell me what it is?????????????????






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Hey there,


Which platform are you talking about? X-Box? PS2? PC?

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Halo and Halo 2 are exclusive to X-Box.

Not quite. Halo is available for PC (I own Halo PC), and I believe there are plans to release Halo 2 for the PC at some point.

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Halo 2 is a pretty good game.


Has anyone seen the Red v. Blue cartoons? They're pretty funny, though the language is sketchy at times.

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Yeah, awsome game and there started on a movie I think as well. Anywho anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Halo 2 is a pretty good game.


Has anyone seen the Red v. Blue cartoons? They're pretty funny, though the language is sketchy at times.

Seen them? I've been downloading them since midway through season one. :P I've got all 65 on my computer, plus the PSAs and special videos. B) They're awesome. :)

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Eh, I stopped playing Halo when my Xbox, and most other technology declared war on me. (They're doing quite well too...)


I figure I should dust off my Gamecube off and return to my Nintendo roots, but I'm too busy playing Snake Eater and Ace Combat 4 four my PS2, and Metal Gear Ac!d for my PSP...


This entire event has me asking Master Chef?

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