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Stumbling With Pride

“Computer, begin log.”


Murray was making his way for engineering. He was coming from the bridge where he had watched his tadar plan work successfully. Now they were at red alert, being fired upon by a Romulan Warbird.


Well, it seems that my idea went spectacularly well. So well, in fact, that we are now being fired upon by the Romulan Warbird we found.


It’s actually kind of exciting that an idea of mine worked so well. It’s not something I just sat around and thought up. It just sort of came to me. A few hasty computer simulations, an approval by the Chief and Captain, and we’re in business. I’ve successfully invented tadar.


Murray stumbled as the ship was hit by another shot from the Romulans. “Stupid green-blooded, pointy-eared terrorists. Don’t they know we’re at peace?” Of course, he knew that their attackers knew that; they weren’t firing on the Agincourt in spite of the Treaty, they were firing on the Agincourt because of it.


“Computer, end log,” Murray commanded as he stumbled into engineering. “Nikki, report!”


Dickinson looked at him. “We’re being attacked by a Romulan Warbird.”


“Thanks. Tell me something I don’t know.”


“You’ve got a gray hair just above your right ear.”


“Go back to stating the obvious, please.”


“Shields are at 95%. The tadar was successfully taken offline and the deflectors, phasers, and tractor emitters went back online with little incident.”


“Understood. Have Jay prepare to lead and coordinate damage control teams.”


Murray stood in engineering at the pool table. Well, they wanted to find out who bombed the VDC, and now they may have found them. What was it with Agincourt and Romulan terrorists, anyway? As long as he didn’t end up having to repair another com station again…

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