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Ship's Log: Tactical Entry

Ship’s Log

Stardate 0509.18

Acting Chief Security Officer

Wimbley X. Murray


From the Tactical Station: Ship is at red alert. Phasers online; photon torpedoes online; quantum torpedoes online. Shields up; shields at 90%. Long-range sensors online. Automatic Level Four diagnostics running every five minutes; reports normal. Minor damage taken from battle.


Recent notes: Reaent has arrived at system ATA-4B876; joined the forces of the Tholian Supreme Commander; attacked by two Tholian holoship; disabled one Tholian holoship; fired upon by remaining ship; two more holoships join the attack; fired upon by holoships; Reaent cripples second ship, fires upon third and fourth; allied ship joins; combined allied fire destroys third; Reaent fires upon fourth. Federation fleet arrives to assist.

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