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RE: New Duty Assignment

FROM: Starfleet Command Assignment Division; Starfleet Command Starship Operations

TO: Lieutenant (junior grade) Wimbley X. Murray, USS Walker NCC-47683

RE: New Duty Assignment


Mr. Murray,


After reviewing your instructor’s recommendations and comments from your Advanced Tactical Training, it has been decided that you have satisfactorily completed the training and may go back to active duty aboard a starship.


It has been decided to assign you to your previous position as a security office aboard the USS Reaent NCC 3345-G. The USS Walker will rendezvous with the USS Greyhound FTV-10639 Federation Transport Vessel at Starbase 155 which will take you to the USS Reaent. At this time your ETA at the USS Reaent is unknown and will depend on its current mission and availability.


Admiral Martin J. Hummel

Rear Admiral Fingal B. Chisholm

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