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Battle Situation

“Hard to port!”


Murray almost fell to the floor as the ship moved suddenly. Such abrupt maneuvers always took the inertial dampers by surprise.


“Bring us around for a close pass. Fire at will. Try to hit some critical systems.”


The Walker banked and turned towards the attacking Rigellians. As they approached, Murray worked the tactical station, getting target locks. As soon as he had them, he fired.


He watched the display as only one photon torpedo hit its mark, while the phasers scorched the Rigellian’s hull, but with no hits to any criticals. As they put distance between themselves and the Rigellians before coming around for another pass, Murray let loose a barrage of torpedoes. None hit their marks.


The ship shook as they took another hit from the Rigellians. An alarm sounded, alerting the crew to a warp core breach. Commander Thomas stood up.


“End simulation. Reset all systems. Department heads, I want evaluations by 1800 hours.”


As Murray reset the tactical systems, Lieutenant Andrews stepped up beside him. “You did decently. Let me give you a few tips. When we go in for a close-pass-fire-at-will attack, don’t rely on the targeting systems. At such a close range, the weapons can’t adjust fast enough to hit its target. Use the targeting as guidance, but fire the weapons manually. If you can learn to anticipate the upcoming target points, the weapons will hit their marks.”


“Oh. Thanks.”


Murray relinquished the tactical station to Andrews. He stepped into the turbolift and ordered it to the lounge area. He knew that this information would be important. No tactical officer should be without this information. He was glad that he had chosen to participate in the Advanced Tactical Training.

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