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Welcome Back...Boom!

Log #21: 20 September 2005

“Everyone, please calmly exit the area.”


“Yeah, good luck with that.”


Murray continued past O’Neill, making for the evac point. He was carrying a burly Klingon color-bearer. He was bigger than most humans could carry, but the incident aboard the Susquehanna changed that. He was thinking of having one of the doctors sever the other arm just so he could have a matching set.


As he approached the evac point he saw Prell and Kroells making their way back to what was left of the auditorium. As they passed, Prell turned to Murray. “Help Davies and Levy get Swaggert out.”


“Well, I’ve got my hands full here, but I’ll see what I can do.”


He walked over to Davies and Levy as the majority of the ceiling crumbled. “I hear you could use a little help.”


Davies looked up at Murray, obviously stressed. Things had most definitely taken a turn for the worse, one Murray had actually thought about in the back of his mind at the beginning. Still, he hadn’t actually expected it to happen. The entire VDC was coming down around them; the VDC, the birthplace of an era of peace, was about gone. No doubt it would be an interstellar incident. The Agincourt, being the flagship of peace, would no doubt head the investigation.


He looked around at the Versailles Destroyed Center. Of all the times he wanted to be back in security.

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