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Personal Log

Personal log,

Stardate 0508.14


My new orders came in today. I’ve been reassigned to the Agincourt, as have Jay and Nikki. We are still on shore leave until the banquet and ceremony at the Versailles Diplomatic Center. The Agincourt will arrive in three days; the crew will be given a short shore leave before the ceremony. I will take that time to move back onto the ship and retrieve my dress uniform.


I have also received a letter from Marissa. The Luther will be in orbit at the time of the ceremony. I have asked Marissa to be my date for the function. It seems odd that an ensign will be escorting a lieutenant colonel to anything, but then I have always been an odd person.


After the banquet we will be attending a ceremony commemorating the signing of the treaty. As historic as it may be, it’s probably going to be a bunch of pompous windbags yapping away for an hour. Not my idea of excitement.

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