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Home, Sweet Home

“It was your first mission and you almost got destroyed?”


“Mom, it’s not like we’re going to make it a habit.”


“Well, I should hope not!”


Murray was sitting at the dinner table with his parents. He had arrived home two days earlier after transporting home on the Greyhound. It felt good to eat a good home-cooked meal again. It was better than replicator food, and anything was welcome over weeks of emergency rations.


“So how long are you home?”


Murray swallowed his spaghetti. “I don’t know. Our orders just said that we were on shore leave until further notice.”


“So what do you plan to do until then?”


“Well, that depends. I don’t suppose Wimbley is home on shore leave.”


“Actually, I think he is. Why?”


“Because then I want to go see him. Do some canoeing on the Susquehanna River.”


“Are you going back to the Agincourt?”


Mothers. Always the worriers. “Like I said, I don’t know. They’ll tell me when the time comes. Although, I have heard that the second anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles is approaching. I’m sure that the Agincourt will be in attendance of the ceremony. That’s probably why they just put us on shore leave until then, rather than send us back just to return to Earth for the ceremony.”


Murray’s father appeared to be lost in thought. Finally, he spoke up. “Saf, if there are Romulans opposed to the treaty, couldn’t there be Klingons opposed, too? And might not the dissidents try something at the ceremony.”


“Dad, that’s a while off. I don’t want to think that far ahead right now. I’m on shore leave.”

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