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The USS Redstone

Log #13: 23 May 2005

“Commander Rick Cazorla, USS Redstone.”


“Ensign Gerhard Murray, USS Agincourt. Glad you could make it.”


“I’m sure you are. Here are your new orders. You are to help us repair the facility and provide security for us.”


Murray took the proffered padd, gave it a cursory glance, and nodded. “Will do. We have four people on security at all times. With your arrival, I can pull some people off engineering duty.”


“Very good. By the way, just as a news update, the Romulan terrorists who destroyed the station and attacked the Agincourt away teams have been indicted.” Cazorla looked around and gestured toward the reactor room. “Shall we?”


Murray led Cazorla and the engineers from the Redstone to the reactor room, talking as he walked. “There was quite a lot of damage. About eighty-nine percent of the circuit boards in the station had to be discarded. Seven percent were damaged but suitable for reuse. The rest remained miraculously unscathed.” He pointed to a door as they passed. “We put all of the destroyed circuit boards in that room. We have saved everything, we just organized the damage.”


“Hmm. Sounds like some long hours are in store for the hardware replicator. What about other systems? And the auxiliary generator?”


“Like I said, there was quite a lot of damage. The sensor net is down; we brought both hardware and food replicators from the Agincourt. And, of course, the com array is offline. The aux generator is functioning, but we were without it for several days when the crank mechanism broke. We were able to hook up some solar panels to provide power during that time. We’re still using the solar panels to augment the generator.”


Murray ushered the commander and his team into the reactor room. He stepped to the side and let them wander. He picked up a padd and approached Cazorla, handing him the padd. “This is full documentation of everything that was damaged and everything we have repaired.”

Cazorla took the padd and began to read it. Still, looking at the padd he called out, “Alright! Jackson! Begin setup for repairs.” He tapped his combadge. “Cazorla to Redstone. Start beaming down repair teams. Have them bring two portable generators and five hardware replicators. Let’s put this place back together.”

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