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Moving In

Murray sat in his makeshift office in the makeshift command center of what was left of the communications array. Padds were scattered all over his desk, consisting of repair schematics, team roster, equipment inventories, more repair schematics, communication protocols, damage reports, and the dinner menu. He sighed as he looked at the padds and hoped that “tofu-burger, turnip fries, and soy milk cocktail” was someone’s idea of a joke.


He looked up as the makeshift PA system announced the end of his shift. He was running a two-shift rotation with interspersed breaks. It made for long days, but a lot of work got done. Right now they were still cleaning up the place. They still needed to get main power at least partially online before the aux generator died. He would feel much safer if they could get the perimeter sensor grid running, as well.


Murray got up from his desk and headed back to his quarters to take a nap before dinner. Two feet later he was lying in the cot next to his desk in his office. With the com station in the state it was, he decided it be easier for all of the rooms they were using to multitask as much a possible. He lived in his office, the engineers lived with the hardware replicator, and so on. He felt sorry for the poor soul that got stuck sleeping in the same room as the toilet. On second thought, no he didn’t.

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