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Murray walked up the driveway towards the door. The two story house loomed before him in a sea of beautiful green grass. The lawn was neatly trimmed; the sides of the house lined with flowers; the trees swayed in the breeze, just as they had years before. Murray spotted a paper white birch tree to the left of the house, not too far from the tool shed. Not too far from it was a Bradford pear tree. Those were his favorites.


As Murray walked up the brick pat toward the door, he suddenly felt the urge to stop; something in the back of his mind scared him. It scared him so much that he almost didn’t want to be there.


It was change. Change is inevitable, a part of life. People change; places change. There isn’t really much that can be done about it. Everyone in life comes to expect it, but that doesn’t always make it any easier to accept, even if it is a change for the better.


Murray knew and understood this. He didn’t want to face change, but he knew that he should be here. It was only right.


He sighed and rang the doorbell. What lurked inside? What had the evil forces of change done? He tensed as he heard someone approaching the door. As it opened, he fought the urge to squeeze his eyes closed. But then he saw a person to whom time and change had paid a visit, but to whom they had not been unkind, and suddenly he found himself in her arms, happy to be there.


“Hi, Mom.”

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