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Personal Log

Wimbley Murray’s Personal Log

Stardate 0507.14


I received my starship assignment today. I will be serving aboard the USS Walker under the tutelage of their tactical and Chief of Security officer Lieutenant Vanessa Anderson. The ship will be here in three days time. We will be heading out to the Andorian system to run training scenarios there. I am very much looking forward to this.


In the meantime, I am packing up. The Academy wants me out of my room so they can ready it for the fall semester. I have been told that I will have my own quarters on the Walker, so I can keep all of my stuff with me. This is a good thing. I wouldn’t want to give it to Saf to hold on to. Who knows what sort of booby traps he would plant.


I must say, three months back on Earth have been heavenly. It’s nice to experience weather. I never realized how much I missed the sun and even the rain. Still, it will be good to get back into space. That just leaves me with one more thing to do before I leave.

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