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Starfleet Commando

“You didn’t.”


“Yes, I did.”


“I don’t believe you.”


“I did. Ask my roommate.”


“I meant ‘I don’t believe you’ as in ‘You are such an idiot’.”


Murray rolled his eyes at his cousin, Gerhard, whom everyone called “Saf”. They were sitting in the café in Robinson Building eating breakfast. Murray was clearly disturbed by his cousins actions.


“You went commando to class?”


Saf smiled again, that smile that looks friendly, but also has a slight hint of insanity in it. Wimbley suspected that this was the sort of smile that Douglas Adams had envisioned for Ford Prefect in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.


“Yes. I had a lab that day, too. We were working with hypospanners, anyon emitters, and bipolar torches.”


Murray sighed and put a hand over his face. Saf had always been a strange one. He’d dance like a maniac while standing on a table, even if there wasn’t any music, or worse yet, when there was calming, slow, peaceful music.


Murray looked up. Saf’s smile had grown even more psychotic. He sighed again.


“I must say, though, these uniforms are nice and comfortable.”


“Okay, I really did not need to kn…”


“Incoming transmission.”


Murray stopped and thought for a moment. Was he imagining things or did his second donut just say “incoming transmission”.


“Incoming transmission.”


Murray stared at the donut, seeing Saf out of the corner of his eye. What practical joke had he set up this time? A rigged donut? What was it going to do, tell him to change his socks? Sing the Billboard Song, maybe?


“Incoming transmission.”


Murray looked up at Saf, who, curiously, was rolling his eyes. Murray opened his mouth to ask him what he had done and is that donut edible when Saf picked up the donut and it’s wax paper and pulled out a padd. Murray stared at it in disbelief. Oh, he thought. I wondered where I had put that. Murray took it from the smirking Saf and opened his message.

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