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Personal Log

Wimbley Murray’s Personal Log

Stardate 0506.30


I got an express trip to the Academy Medical Ward today. We were in the holodeck running an anticipation scenario with an elusive Klingon. However, our team leader momentarily forgot this and led us right into a ravine where he came up behind me and took me out. I had one broken rib, three more cracked, a large cut on my forehead, and a large bruise on my back. I swear they turn up the pain settings in order for us to feel our mistakes.


We have received notification that phase three of training will commence next week. We need to choose a starship from a provided list on which we want to serve during the final three weeks on training. I am going to talk to Sheila’s father for advice on which ship to choose. He is a commander on Admiral Hendrix’s staff at Starfleet Security. I’m sure he can give me some advice on which starship to choose.

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