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Class Schedule

First Lieutenant Marissa Ipswich

Advanced Tactical Trainer

Class Schedule Week Beginning Stardate 0506.27


Monday, Stardate 0506.27: Holodeck scenarios using advanced tricorder features. Each student will, in turn, be attempting to elude the rest of the class while they use the advanced features to find and capture the student. Each student will also have a turn at leading the class in the exercise.

Tuesday, Stardate 0506.28: Begin training general human instincts and anticipation of human movements taught in conjunction with advanced away team training. Students will learn how humans think when being chased and how to anticipate a running human’s actions. Students will participate in a holographic scenario to gain hands-on experience in chasing and anticipating humans’ thoughts and movements. Students will take turns leading the away teams in the scenario.


Wednesday, Stardate 0506.29: Begin training general non-human instincts and anticipation of non-human movements taught in conjunction with advanced away team training. Students will learn how non-humans think when being chased and how to anticipate a non-human’s actions. Aliens covered: Bajoran, Orion, Rigellian, Vulcan, and Bolian. Students will participate in a holographic scenario to gain hands-on experience in chasing and anticipating these species’ thoughts and movements. Students will take turns leading the away teams in the scenario.


Thursday, Stardate 0506.30: Continue training general non-human instincts and anticipation of non-human movements taught in conjunction with advanced away team training. Aliens covered: Klingon, Romulan, Breen, Reman, et al. Students will participate in a holographic scenario to gain hands-on experience in chasing and anticipating these species’ thoughts and movements. Students will take turns leading the away teams in the scenario.


Friday, Stardate 0507.01: Free activity day: students may run the scenario of his or her choice that he or she feels he or she needs to work on; introduce class to Lieutenant Commander Mary-Beth Schubert, instructor and contact officer for phase three training.

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