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Personal Log

Wimbley Murray’s Personal Log

Stardate 0506.20


We started the second part of our training today: advanced security techniques. It’s amazing. There are things you can do on a tricorder that I never knew existed. You can look for heat patterns to tell you where someone went. There’s an infrared mode. There’s even an atmospheric disturbance mode that’ll tell you where someone is because the air is moving the wrong way due to breathing.


Our second part of training is being taught by a Marine, First Lieutenant Marissa Ipswich. She’s a nice person, and excellent at teaching security. I’m kind of surprised. I never would have expected a Starfleet Marine to be teaching security. Marines are a ground force. Security is more of a police force. Still, before the Dominion War, before a major Marine presence in Starfleet, security was the ground force. I guess there still isn’t much of a difference between Marines and security. Someday, though, the Marine Corps is going to evolve into its own department. I’d bet that the future has them on every starship to work alongside command, science, and engineering/security.

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