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Red versus Blue

“Eat it, Blue!”


Murray fired away with his phaser rifle. They were in an intense game of capture the flag. The score was tied up at eight. The first team to reach ten points would win. Murray was the Red Team leader and was currently defending the flag.


An opponent ran up and tried to take the red flag, but Murray put his phaser on kill and vaporized him. “Oh yeah! Not in my house!” Of course, no one was truly vaporized while playing this game.


Murray jumped onto one of the bunkers and pulled out his sniper rifle. He zoomed in and eliminated two Blues following his teammate, who was carrying the Blue flag. “Oh! You’ve got nothing!”


He leapt down as the flag-carrier passed and watched as three Blues came charging at him, trying to get their flag back. “Bring it on! You’ve got nothing!” He threw a grenade and watched his opponents fall to the ground upon its explosion. A voice rang out across the playing field, indicating that the Reds captured the flag. “Oh, score! Red Team, this is Murray. Markle, and Smith, guard the flag. Andrews, Reilly, and Johnson, we’re going for the flag.


The four of them went in firing. Andrews was sniped, and Reilly was taken out by a grenade. As they approached the flag, Murray called out, “Cover me!” He grabbed the flag and ran. They scurried back to Red Base, firing all the way. As they approached their flag, Murray caught Johnson’s eye and dropped the flag. He turned around and ran back towards the Blue base, toward the advancing Blues trying to get their flag back.


“Not today!” Murray unleashed a barrage of energy from his rifle, but was quickly gunned down by the four approaching Blues. But Murray was an obstacle that gave Johnson what he needed. The Reds had won.


As the teams left the holodeck, Murray was approached by Commander Rhodes. “Mr. Murray, I’m impressed. You were completely unshakable in there. Calm under fire. In any case, it seems to me that you know what you’re doing. You will make a fine Chief of Security some day.”

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