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Personal Log

Wimbley Murray’s Personal Log

Stardate 0505.25


I got gunned down today in a training exercise. It hurt. A lot. We were split into to teams and scattered into the range. The range had a number of obstacles, such as rocks, trees, and the occasional wandering, daydreaming cadet. The goal was to take out the other team without crossing into “enemy” territory. In short, it was a firefight. Unfortunately, I was taken out as I tried to leave my rock and find a tree. I kind of missed my target and ended up diving in front of the tree instead of behind.


We’ve been training for two weeks now, and tomorrow it begins to pay off. Commander Rhodes has several scenarios with mission objectives for us in the holodeck. Half of us will be the “good guys” and the rest will be the “bad guys” trying to take us out. It sounds like fun. I’ve also heard rumor that we will be playing capture the flag with phasers and other weapons. I can’t wait!


In other news, I got to see Cousin Gerhard, or “Saf” as he likes to be called, yesterday, for the first time since my graduation and posting to the Reaent. He has chosen to study engineering in the Academy. He has even taken up an apprenticeship under one of the engineers in the Academy Physical Plant. He is going to love his work. He will be a great asset to the fleet.

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