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Agincourt Ball Information

Agincourt Ball Information


Who: The Agincourt sim is hosting the Agincourt Ball.


What: The Agincourt Ball is an in-character (IC) simulation open to the entire community of STSF. The hall will be decorated to 18th Century French standards. All characters will be in dress uniforms and connected with either the military or civil government of the Federation, Klingons, or Romulans. Music will be performed by the Starfleet Academy Orchestra (SFO) featuring music from composers such as Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, and Stravinsky. A separate dinning area with a menu full of choices from all over the galaxy will be present.


Where: The Versailles Diplomatic Center (VDC), Versailles, France, Earth. <<The Ready Room>>


When: Festivities will begin at 10 PM ET and will conclude exactly at 11 PM ET. Pre-ball chat is welcome in the Ready Room starting at 9:30 PM, while Post-ball chat is welcome in the Lobby.


Why: Hosting an event like this is a way to bring together the community for a fun IC event. It also allows the Agincourt crew to interact with simmers they may not normally interact with.


Any questions? Please direct them to [email protected]



Note to all visitors: The Agincourt timeline is twenty years ahead of most simulations. To preserve fleetwide continuity, please only use established characters if you are certain they would be on Earth twenty years later. The Agincourt Command Staff reserves the right to reject any characters attending. Please consider playing characters that are low in rank or are not connected with Starfleet.

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what...no vaugner..........hmm

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