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Monday Night Academy -- Aug 22, 2005

== BRIEF ==

USS Medusa in enroute to Remote

Outpost 34 to perform an upgrade on

it's critical systems and perform

standard maintainance.



== ROSTER ==

Station CO (CO) ------------------- STSF BluRox

Station Engineer (SENG1) ----------- STSF LoAmi

Station Engineer (SENG2) ----------- Lt_Riker


Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) -- Lt.Cdr._Lee

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG1) -- Ensign_Eagle

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG2) -- Aaron_Westler

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG3) -- Cdt_Slaw

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG4) -- Doctor_TLinna

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG5) -- Ens_Tynte

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG6) -- Cdt_Spitfire

Asst Engineering Officer (AENG7) -- Cdt_Nate



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