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Guest Captain Kirk

Scheduled time

Look, there's nothing the GMs can do about that. They do have lives. And we don't have any advanced sims that are early, so an early academy isn't going to do anyone any good.

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I guess Kirk's probably got my time-zone problem. I'm OK to do the normal times myself; but maybe some cadets could make some unofficial arrangements to practice amongst ourselves? Have someone experienced act as an extra GM on the understanding that they don't get the authority and general cool status of a 'proper' GM.

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Hmmm...an interesting idea...maybe you should send that proposal to A9.

A9 when he gets back or maybe Fred M....another possibility.. :D

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I dunno about making non-official GM's. Could cause a bit of a stir. I like to have the bosses be the only bosses really. But I think its always been a given that if anyone wants to have an informal simming session (as long as its not during any of the scheduled events) its perfectly kosher and I think encouraged! You can never get enough practice.


Of course I would love to one day see sims for different timezones. For all you newer members if you search well I'm sure you'll find one of my first ever posts was suggesting the idea. If I ever gained the authority to start one myself I would sign up to do it at the drop of a hat since I have a very good understanding how our international members and people with conflicting events in their real lives have trouble making it to their favourite sims. However (and I make this extremely clear!) I would not dream of doing so or even suggesting it until I'd done all that is necessary to gain the title and responsibilities of our glorious GM's. There's a big how-to list on the site for anyone who hasn't read it already.


Q: How do I become a GM?

A: While STSF always welcomes people who want to help others learn the ways of simming, there are several requirements a person must meet to qualify as a GM. They must be at least 18 years of age. They must hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander on an STSF sim for at least six months and have been an active member of the game during that time. More detailed information, as well as an application, can be found at http://www.stsf.net/gm_app.php


I'm sure someone will meet these standards some time soon and after going through their training wil start a sim in a different time from the rest but until that happens all we can be is patient and understanding. Its gonna happen but Rome wasn't built in a day, never mind an Internet-chat based Star Trek roleplaying game!

Edited by Images

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Ummm we've had this conversation about "unofficial" academy sims (I just tried digging it up, but couldn't find it). Just ask Tovan sometime about the AA :D

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I tried to arrange a shuttle sim before an academy once but then it got too crowded to do it

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