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Mission Brief for Tuesday 9PM Academy

=/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing for the Academy on August 16, 2005=/\==/\=

In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an emergency landing on a small barely-habitable planet.


Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals.


We have one tricorder apiece, four escape pods, and emergency supplies for one week.


Unfortunately, one whole day has passed and all we've accomplished is to build a domed shelter and stay out of a dust storm.

(No, no...not "doomed" - "domed!")


But is the dust storm the only thing we need to worry about?

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whats to worry about....besides sand ,storm, dehydration leading to disentary to death

hhhhhmmmmm...how about indigenous life forms that enter through the ear canal

to the cereb.cortex........or poss. something else more graphic.......no worrys mates ;)

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who meeeeeeeeee......... ;) :P :) B)

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Don't give the GMs any ideas! lol

howabout big blue wookie like creatures...... :P :) :P

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