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Academy Briefing for Tuesday 9pm 8/9

=/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 9, 2005=/\==/\=

It comes as no surprise that the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) has made a slight detour on the way to Sector One and now finds itself on a small barely-habitable planet.

Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals.

All we have are a few tricorders, a few type 1 phasers, and escape pods with emergency supplies for one week.

The Goldstein is happily in orbit, the self-initiated self-destruct having self-terminated, after telling us "Have a nice stay." Sheesh...

All is well aboard the uninhabited Goldstein, but will all be well on the uninhabited planet?

Stay tuned . . . .

=/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=

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=/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 9, 2005=/\==/\=

It comes as no surprise that the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) has made a slight detour on the way to Sector One and now finds itself on a small barely-habitable planet.

Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals.

All we have are a few tricorders, a few type 1 phasers, and escape pods with emergency supplies for one week.

The Goldstein is happily in orbit, the self-initiated self-destruct having self-terminated, after telling us "Have a nice stay." Sheesh...

All is well aboard the uninhabited Goldstein, but will all be well on the uninhabited planet?

Stay tuned . . . .

=/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=

oh this should be just wonderful........thanks..... l :lol:

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=/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate August 9, 2005=/\==/\=

It comes as no surprise that the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) has made a slight detour on the way to Sector One and now finds itself on a small barely-habitable planet.

Hot, dusty, few plants and fewer animals.

All we have are a few tricorders, a few type 1 phasers, and escape pods with emergency supplies for one week.

The Goldstein is happily in orbit, the self-initiated self-destruct having self-terminated, after telling us "Have a nice stay." Sheesh...

All is well aboard the uninhabited Goldstein, but will all be well on the uninhabited planet?

Stay tuned . . . .

=/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=

Oh boy...can't wait. :lol:

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I havent been going to the continuing series but I have been watching is it ok that I come

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wow its been a week already! last thing i remember is standing outside of escape pods, this should be fun!

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You can still play tonight, Ramdar. Just jump in.

thank you and I know helios time passes fast It seems like just yesterday I started at the academy

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this should prove to be an intresting development in the story line :lol:

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