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Security Report 9607.21

Subject: Security Report 9607.21

Date: Sun, Jul 21, 1996 11:56 PM

From: LCdrBlurox



Subj: Security Report 9607.21

Date: 96-07-22 01:45:20 EDT


Attention:  Captain Jael


From: Lt. Commander BluRox




I have summarized a brief account of the events which have recently occured on the Republic for your review.  


On Stardate 9607.15, Republic put into Starbase 14 for an upgrade to the existing computer core and to pick up several new crew members.  Upon reaching the starbase, Star Fleet dispatched a work crew to perform the upgrades.  Meantime, the ship recieved yourself, the new captain, and was to also pick up your niece as well as a new security officer.  Shortly after your arrival, the Republic began to experience computer systems failures all over the ship, and security was requested in engineering.  Upon

reporting to engineering, I found LtCdr TKai in a heated arguement with the work crew.  I attempted to break this up, and have the work crew follow me to my office,  so that we could work out the problem our engineering department was having with them.  One of them began to come with me, until the other created a fuss.  LtCdr TKai, then tried to force the other to come, thus causing the destruction of the tool kits in question, when they were bumped.  Evidently, a struggle began to ensue behind me, and

I turned to witness TKai, striking one of the workers.  I took control of TKai, and led him to the brig, to cool down, while I ordered my other security officers to take possession of the work-crew.  They somehow managed to elude the detail and ran off down the Jefferies tube system.  


After LtCdr Kel informed me of the need to have TKai back in engineering, I released him on his own recognizance, as he is an excellent officer, and trustworthy.  The only stipulations were that he return to testify when needed, and that he have no further contact with the work crew.


Security details were dispatched to follow, but they were eluded.  Several other areas were also "upgraded" and need to be thouroughly checked by engineering.  At last account, the two workers in question, had left the ship and were now aboard the station.  Station security has also been notified to be on the lookout for them.


Pertinant facts brought about:


1) Work crew were actually subcontractors from "Daystrom, Mario & Union Co."

2) Work crew had never worked on Galaxy class ship before.

3) Improperly used security clearance cards to enter and exit ship, and gain access to computer core without an escort.

4) Refusal to accompany security to answer questions

5) Resisting arrest

6) Starting a fight with a SF crewmember

7) Littering in the J-tubes

8) Willfull endangerment of the crew (shutdown of life support system)_

9) General incompetance/willfull destruction of ships equipment


My recommendation is to stay at the starbase, until all systems are re-checked, and that we petition for the licences of the Delta team be revoked.  Security personel will be retrained in procedures pertaining to securing the ship when the computer is down.  I also recommend that any charges against TKai be dismissed, as he was just attempting to protect the engineering department, and recognized the problem early.


If you have any other questions pertaining to these matters, please contact me, and I will arrainge to meet with you to discuss.


End Report::


Lt Commander Errrika BluRox

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