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Away Missions

-=Away Missions-In Strange Dimensions=-


A Log By Dr. Remux (Ensign)




The rumble of his stomach had finally been silenced for a time, thanks to getting a break from his duties, now that Dr. McCellan was back to her old self. He found himself quite bored now as he strolled the halls of the Mirror Challenger and tried to make some sense of the mission they'd been given, by none other than a xenophobic race of crystalline monsters. However, it was hardly his place to make decisions like that, and if in some way this mission advanced our technologies or our relationship with the mysterious Tholians it would be a massive blessing.


His mind wandered as his feet did the same, he made his way to the lift and leaned against the back wall as it took him to the bridge. He hadn't been on the bridge of this ship but he knew it was most likely similar to his own. He thought about sickbay, now having time to reflect, he realized just how different these alternate people were from them, there sickbay could hardly be called a place of healing, it seemed more like a place of interrogation and induced suffering. It was odd in all this time that he hadn't actually realized the differences until now, he breathed heavily and tried to wrap his mind around the barbaric nature of these...savages...That was the only term he could think of for them.


The lift stopped abruptly and the bridge was now in view, it took him a moment to step off as he noticed that he may not have picked a grand time to make the journey to the brain center of the Mirror Challenger. He stepped off slowly and could hear Krasner debating the logical and moral way to achieve what seemed to be a mission of destruction rather than reconaissance or recovery.




Remux re-entered sickbay with a grim look on his face and noticed the Chief working away on something that seemed to envelope her enitre consentration. He thought it best to leave her be, but he never did trust his first annalysis of situations. He questioned her as to what she was working on, and she subtly brushed him off with a simple answer. He found this peculiar, but he did get the chance to push the issue...The comm clicked on and he could here the Commander's voice announcing they needed some more people for the away mission. Without a moment's hesitation Remux announced he was on his way, he knew that where there was danger there also needed to be a doctor. He raced through the hall back toward the central lift. However he was beaten to it on another level. That wasn't good, he now had to make his way to the Launch Bay via the Maintence Ladders. Lucky for him this ship was layed out identically to the Real Challenger and he found them easily and made the two deck trip downward.




He sat well strapped in to the small attack pod with the Commander seated up front next to the Pilot he noted the other officers seated near him, and curiously looked around as this was his first time being on board the small craft. He was accustomed to long away missions when he was part of the Imperial Guard but this would be his first outting with Starfleet, and he felt his nerves coming back as if he was a young rookie again.


The shuttle was well on it's way toward it's destination and that was when he saw her, the large ship that he couldn't quite identify, the seemingly Terran designed craft...It was then he realized he may be about to receive more than he bargained for... That's what you get for wishing you weren't bored...

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