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Nicolas Lepage

Work and no end in sight

Nick was hurrying between patients. The chaos was long since under control but there was still more than enough to do. He just hoped there were not too many surgeries coming up for the next few hours. He had spent a long time in the surgical bay. He was beyond tired now and he was longing to lie down and sleep for a few hours. He knew, however, that he had to dismiss that thought.


There were still patients to be taken care of and with the possible escalation of the situation it was very likely there would soon be coming more. Lieutenant Zhu and some of his men had brought additional equipment. Nick had been told to show two of the engineers the basics of first aid. It had been like looking after a bunch of children. He had only just managed to keep them from sending home his patients before he had even had a look at them. The two were there to help but he did not really like the idea that he should be their babysitter. There was nothing he could do about it now.


He allowed himself a brief moment of rest as he leaned against a console and looked around the room. Nick couldn't help smiling as he thought back on removing Lieutenant Commander Quark's lobes. He would have liked to find out what had made her get them in the first place. When he was talking to her, however, he had understood that he should better not ask. She had not been in a good mood and he had gotten the feeling that whatever it was she was not inclined to share the information. At least this station was always good for a surprise and so far his job had been everything but boring. He sighed and wished for the next few days to be just that, boring. Somehow he had the feeling that his wish would not be granted, though. He pushed himself away from the console and got back to work.

At least he was not one of the people lying on a cot waiting to

be treated.

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