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Eli Zhu

"What's More Fun?

Lt. Zhu

Chief Engineer

Log Entry

SD 0505.23




Zhu was keeping track of time so well in the past hours, but exhaustion and anxiety has finally pinned him to the mentality floor that Zhu has deep in his mind. He had finally forgotten what time it was now, working in the computer room with his assistant, Jaylen, had him disoriented in regards with time. Time, now that was an old word with new meaning. It took 44 minutes to finish the damage control analysis, took almost 6 hours to finish repairing main power to pylon one plus the structural integrity system, and the rest went in to restoring sickbay and reactivating power transfer units in pylon one. Time has been pretty much consumed on mass quantities on Aegis and it was taking its toll on its personnel.


Zhu tinkered with an induction panel opening and added the missing mechanism that allowed it to move and vent heat from the main core's storage units. The computer core was not damaged by far; a few lost ODN conduits, malfunctioning data buffers and fried chips. The problem now resided in its power supply, which soon will be corrected. Zhu looked around, noting the lights returned to red alert state instead of no lights at all. He was glad; the station seemed more like a station than an empty graveyard of metal and empty halls and support struts.


Zhu now know the feeling, the feeling countless friends have told him about. Lack of sleep and heavy conscience - they were highly contagious in the academy days since the professors were very strict upon due dates of papers and simulation paper work. Zhu has experienced perhaps 30 hours without sleep at most but now aboard Aegis, in an outer environment, not to mention artificial environment, an environment which Zhu hasn't fully adapted to yet, having been working on another project the before the incident, he now amounted to nearly 40 hours without rest - insignificant to some by comparison but Zhu was feeling it.


Zhu placed back the induction panel and tested the mechanism, success. Zhu didn't mind being tired and sleepy, plus evidently he still has most of his knowledge available for repairing the station. So he decided that he was pretty well off. But due to concerns from his fellow officers he promised himself to get a good night's rest once the heavy repairs and sickbay were fully out of the way.


Zhu sighed; he knew this is no time to mourn for a dead friend. The current situation might lead to another war, skirmish, war, skirmish, war, skirmish, one of those. Zhu was never a good politician or even cared about such things for that matter, now he regretted not reading a few political papers, the power struggle on Cardassia was out of his league, he could only hope that there was still some good left in their leader's minds to end this foolishness.


The battered engineer moved on to another induction panel as a bee would to another nectre filled flower, to Zhu, repairing was more fun than politics.

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