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Eli Zhu

Twenty Minutes beginning of the tenth hour

LtJg Falco And Lt Zhu

Two Run-Of-The-Mill-Engineers

Dual Log Entry

SD: 0506.17


"Twenty minutes beginning of the tenth hour."






Things were as bad as they come now, the admiral had ordered for a complete readiness of the medical bays soon, there would be wounded coming through their doors. Unfortunately, the primary sickbay on pylon one was still too damaged to support the officers and equipment; they were forced to use the med bays from the second pylon. All other repairs were still being carried but the tough part was yet to come.


Carrying a large medical scanner and a chase of hypo sprays, Zhu was finally feeling his exhaustion settling in, five cups of coffee and tea weren't enough, he noted. He looked to Jaylen Falco, wondering how he was holding up. To find out he asked.


"How are you holding up?"


Jaylen had been relatively quiet during the engineering duo's trip to cargo bay 3. So much has happened with the past few hours.


With medical kits in hand, Jaylen replies, "I'm doing fine, Chief. It’s kind of easy for me to zone things like this out. I usually just keep myself busy till everything’s fine again."


That wasn't totally true. Jaylen does try to keep himself busy to block out the bad feelings, but it's hard sometimes being empathic. What making it worse are the feelings that are coming from Zhu right now. Jaylen of course knew what Zhu was dwelling on, the death of Jack Wilson.


"I guess I should ask you the same question. How are you holding up Chief?"


Eli rubbed his hand over his whole face as if to protect his mind from being consumed in the lighted hallways on the current deck but in reality he was rubbing his face to relax somewhat.


"I don't know any more." Zhu told Jaylen. He was telling only half-truth, he knew that his strength was declining steadily but he knew that was all. He also knew that he didn't know why he felt so guilty all of the sudden.


The two engineers cornered the midway and started their trip to the secondary med bays. Lacking total knowledge of what might have happened already, if it already happened.


Jaylen just nodded as they continued down the hall. “I see. Well I'm no counsellor, but if you ever want to talk, I'll be around."


He tried to change the subject a bit, but it was too hard, since it was fresh in both of their minds. "I tell you what. When all of this mess is over, how about you, me, and some of the guys go for a drink. And I'm not talking about that synthehol. I mean the real stuff. "He paused a moment and thought of Jack. "I couldn't think of a greater honour, and it would be the best way for us to remember."


Zhu chuckled. “We’ll see who beats who in this contest of the wits.” He referred to the mind games and the political situation currently being played out. “Pure and simple drinks, like,” He paused and reflected. “Beer.”


The two engineers continued their way down the corridor, near their way to the medical bays. The second wave of trauma was just beginning …

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