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Ethan Hawke

Blackness of Oblivion

"Captain, please stop acting like a child. This station is in crisis, and like it or not, I am still your XO. We can talk about transfers later, but for the moment, we really need cooperation." Ethan pushed the thought out, pushing through his shield against her. Obviously he was quite upset by her mission from the Admiral. Still, it hadn’t been her responsibility to inform him, nor, really, her decision. Granted, the Admiral hadn’t forbidden it, but they had been a little focused on other things at the time, and he hadn’t granted permission either.




He calmly responds "I am not acting like a child, Commander. Right now I am busy and I do not have time." He pauses slightly then adds "Nor have I forgotten that you are this station's Executive Officer but apparently it was forgotten that I am this station's Commanding Officer. But as you said, this is a crisis situation so that will be dealt with later. As for transfers, do not be concerned about that....that is my concern. Now...I have a job to do. And so do you." He closes his eyes briefly as he concentrates. He quickly rebuilds and strengthens his shields, leaving himself again alone within his own mind.




She could sense his anger, even though he suppressed it. She knew him too well for him to truly hide his feelings. She thought about his reply, that it was his concern about transfers. Perhaps he had already requested that she be reassigned. It was a possibility she faced with great anxiety. She didn’t want to leave. She had to admit that she had serious feelings for the silver-haired Captain. But if her ‘mission’ had marred their relationship to the degree that it seemed to have at the moment… then he wasn’t the person she thought he was.




That thought quickly broke off when the room seemed to tilt. Ethan was glad that no one was looking at her. She carefully stood, and turned away from the personnel on the CT. Calling over her shoulder, she said, “I will be in the Captain’s ready room, catching up.” She grit her teeth, and crossed the open space. There was a replicator in the ready room. She really ought not have contacted the Captain as she did so shortly after having probed the Prime Minister. She reached the doors, and was grateful that they opened. Stepping inside, she moved slowly along the wall, glad that no one had seen her. The replicator was just a few feet away. If she could just get herself another restorative drink… she’d be okay. Just a couple more feet. She started to call out her order, but couldn’t seem to get her voice to work.




The room tilted again, sideways, the floor rushing up to meet her. Her body was trying to shut down. She had pushed herself too far too quickly. She tried to rise, pushing her hands against the floor. Barely six inches later, her arms gave out, and she collapsed onto the cold floor again. “Nick…” she whispered. Her last thought was that there was no way he’d hear her with his shields so firmly set against her. Then the blackness overwhelmed her senses and she slipped into unconscious oblivion.

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