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Cptn Elias Moore

First Officer's Log

Elias woke up, thankful that the bad dream was over. For, certainly, his ordeals in the transporter room and in Sickbay had been part of a strange dream. He had felt dazed and disoriented the whole way through, typical of a dream. Also typical of a concussion suffered from a rifle butt to the head... but all the changes he had observed, more than the feelings he had experienced, could only have been the stuff of fantasy. He imagined he'd have quite a bit of fun looking up the symbolism of the dream--where, for instance, the subconscious desire to beat the living hell out of Ensign Adams came from... and whether the goatee represented some primal masculine urge he was suppressing or a need to integrate more fiber into his diet.


But it was as soon as Elias rubbed his eyes and sat up that he realized something was still awry... namely, that he could neither sit up nor rub his eyes on account of the biobed straps still holding down his arms and legs. He struggled against the straps for a moment before remembering that this was exactly how the strange dream had ended. With this thought came the realization that either the dream had, in fact, *not* ended or what was, in fact, *not* a dream was merely continuing. When a nurse came to the side of his biobed wearing a uniform that drifted dangerously close to being a bikini, he elected to believe that he was still dreaming.


Before Elias could take in more of his surroundings and further affirm this belief (quite a long time since his gaze had difficulty departing from the nurse), he passed out again.

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