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a log by LtJg. Javin Prell


<Begin Log.>


There was no rest for the weary, Javin thought as he crawled through

yet another jefferies tube to fix yet another problem. Ever since the

launch, small problems had been popping up all around the ship. If it

wasn't a malfunctioning replicator, then a weapons or storage locker

was jammed. The power was out to one whole science lab. Signs and room

plates were also messed up or coming off. That was really the

janitorial staff's job, but of course, they were all out on Starbase

234, as was most of the rest of his crew. This assignment was a test

for him, and he desperatly wanted to pass it. he wanted this ship to

be the best it could be. But having a great ship was only half of the

equation of a successful department. He and his crew would need to

work together, create a sort of bond and understanding between each

other. The crew on the Journey were so relaxed, but when a problem

arose, it was quashed down quickly. Javin wanted the same sort of

cooperation here, and it would start on this next mission.


<End Log.>

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