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Tuesday 9PM Academy

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jorlis

[sTSF_Jami] XO/Stage Hand/ Gofer / Fill-in - STSF Jami

[sTSF_Jami] Helm Officer/Tactical Officer (Helm/TAC) - Ens Malik Pilot

[sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Vatric

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cdt deBain

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Ens Pinner Chase

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Cdt Montague

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO3) - TeJor

[sTSF_Jami] That is your crew, Captain. May the gods have mercy.

[sTSF_Jorlis] Thank you, Jami...

[sTSF_Jorlis] Stand by for tonight's briefing

[sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- STSF ACADEMY: MISSION BRIEFING FOR 4-19-05 -=/\=-

[sTSF_Jorlis] The Academy Finals are approaching, and this week the medical crew will have a chance to prepare themselves. A quarantine has been placed on the Carmella III colony, which has been stricken by an unidentified ailment. The USS Janus (Akira class) is en route to diagnose the condition and search for a cure.

[sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- BEGIN SIM -=/\=-

[Vatric] <OPS>::preparing a list of medical supplies from cargo bay 3::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::In sickbay getting supplies ready and taking inventory on Medical Kits::

[cdt_Montague] <amo2>::checks reports of the anidentified ailment::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Sitting in the command chair::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::standing in the middle of Sickbay, looking around at the amassed horde of medical supplies::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::sat at the Tactical Station with helm controls on primary and Tac. on standby.::

[[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm> Mr. Pilot, what is our ETA to the colony?

[TeJor] <AMO3> Going over multiple reports, and reviewing Medical emergency procedures in sickbay::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> 10 minutes sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::sitting in the XO chair (not as comfy as the CO chair), taking notes:::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Okay, you all know the drill. You've studied how to handle quarentine situations. Are there any questions before we arrive?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Nods:: <OPS> Mr. Vatric, have the doctors check in.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Aye Captain.

[TeJor] <AMO3> Sir, how many casualties are we looking at?

[Vatric] <OPS>+All Medical Officers+ Report your status please.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> ::Setting the counted Med. Supplies aside:: We'll be ready.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><CMO> Is the colony any closer to discerning the ailment?

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Sickbay is at fully ready. We're awaiting arrival. How would you like us to handle the transfer of medical supplies, and will we be able to study the illness on the surface, or will we be forced to limit our research by remaining ship-side?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Reads over the call for distress from the colony::

[Vatric] <OPS>::prepares his console for the influx of data and transfers power to the subprocessor matrix::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> We aren't sure yet. Since the quarentine was put into place, we've received minimal communication. We expect it to be quite high.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO2> Not that we know of. Let's assume that we will be working from scratch, here.

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+ I will have my staff prepare Cargo Bay 3 for easy access and retrieval of all probable equipment.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::programs tricorder for diagnostic mode::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::checks the status of her insurance policy:::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Acknowledged. Sickbay out.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Has Aflac::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> :;taps:: +XO+ Sickbay to Jami.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Standing and moving the last bit of Med. Kits to an easily accesible section of Sickbay::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::completes biobed 3's preparations

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> ETA 5 minutes sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO>+CMO+ Farrington here.

[Vatric] <OPS>::calls up the Federation database on Carmella III and prepares the Mission Ops aft station for bridge coordination::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm> Acknowledged.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +XO+ Commander, what procedure should we take with regards to the quarentine? Will the medical staff be allowed on the surface at all, or must we conduct our studies from here?

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::deep breath::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain the CMO has reported that they are prepared for any contingency and Cargo Bay 3 is being prepared to supply the mission with any needed equipment.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::defers to the captain:

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CO> It might be a good idea to stay away from the infection if we have no idea what it is, Captain.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Glances at the XO:: It's a Starfleet quarantine. A team should be allowed to the surface in EVA suits.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Picks up his Tricorder and med. kit and sits down at an open waiting chair to ease his mind pre-mission::

[Vatric] <OPS>::orders the Quartermaster to make the necessary modifications for rapid retrieval from the Cargo Bay manifests::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods::: Very well. +CMO+ You'll take a team into the quarantine area in EVA suits.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +XO+ Acknowledged. Sickbay out.

[Lt._Rok] ::snickers::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> We'll want to make sure the quarantine is enforced from outside as well, Mr. Pilot.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Gather around - quick meeting.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Shields sir?

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>:places last hypospray into the medkit and hurries to CMO::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Stands and heads toward CMO::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::shifts in her seat, not happy about taking cadets into a quarantine area::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> I don't think shields will help us keep people on the colony. But we should keep an eye on sensors.

[Vatric] <OPS>::runs a level 2 diagnostic on the cargo transporters:: +Computer+ recalibrate molecular dispersion for all Cargo Bay transporters. "Working..."

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Right, for any hostiles?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> For any ships that try to depart the colony.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Okay, folks. We're nearly there. We've been authorized to visit the surface, in full EVA suits, of course. We *must* maintain a high level of quarentine. We do not know what type of infection this is yet, nor do we know what caused it.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::wasn't in his right mind today::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Checking his Chronometer and listening to the CMO::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Most importantly, we do not yet have a cure. Keep yourselves smart, keep your EVA suits fully secure, and be prepared for long hours attempting to find a suitable cure for this illness. Are there any questions?

[Vatric] <OPS>::attempts to locate the Quarantine Buoys in orbit of Carmella III on the sensors::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Shakes his head::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::sets the sensors to keep a tight observation on the planet for planets leaving and makes a message that plays "You have left a StarFleet Quarantined Area, please Reverse your engines, or you will be sent back by force"::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CO> <w> Captain....are you sure the cadets are up to this mission? I . . . don't feel comfortable sending them into a quarantine area.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::glances to TeJor and Montague:: Any questions?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> Why not? The EVA suits have proven reliable in situations like this.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><CMO> no, sir.

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> Negative Sir, we're ready.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods:: Aye, that they are, sir. But . . . cadets?

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Shall we prepare by getting our EVA's on now sir?

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::covers her mouth as she says that, not wanting her skepticism to show::

[Vatric] <OPS>+Computer+ "Diagnostic complete, phase transition coils on transporter padd 2 are misaligned::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Very well. Let's don our suits. ::nodding to Chase::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> They're close enough to being ensigns. ::Shrugs::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> We should be arriving about now, no?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::brings the ship to impluse:: <CO> We're here sir.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::moves to changing area and locker removing his EVA suit and helmet...he changes in to the body suit then carries his helmet with him heading back out to Sickbay::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::begins donning EVA suit::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::eyes him a moment, then relaxes a bit, admiring his trust in their ability:::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><Co> Speak of the Devil eh sir?

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Prepares his EVA suit for use. Going over safety checklist. All seems fine::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Get into transporter range of the colony, and hail them.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::moves to the changing area, then works his way into his EVA suit as well::

[Vatric] <OPS>::switches to remote access and inputs the corrections to the actuating servo-mechanisms:: +Computer+ "Realignment Complete"

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::moves the ship into a Standard Orbit of the Planet::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> I'm sure they will do well, Captain.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CMO+ Doctor, do you want to proceed immediately to the surface? Or do you want to check out one of the victims up here first?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::hails the colony:: <CO> Hailing Frequencies Open Sir.


[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::checks all seals for integiry::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Stands ready to disembark::

[TeJor] <AMO3><AMO1> I sense some apprehension from you Chase, is this your first emergency?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Let them know we've arrived and find out where the team should proceed.

[Vatric] <OPS>::holds up an earpiece listening for the Quarantine Message ensuring it's emplacement, frequency, and transmission power level::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +CO+ If one of the victims is willing to come ship-side, that would be optimal, Captain. While I have the utmost faith in these EVA suits. . .on the other hand, I do not court death.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ This is the USS Janus, we have arrived to Assist You in your situation, what team would you like sent down first?

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO3> First Emergency...no...first Unknown disease inflicting an entire colony....Yes.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CMO+ Very well. Set up a quarantine zone and stand by.

[Vatric] <OPS>::displaying logistical and environmental data on Carmella III::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO2> Change of plans. Prepare a quarantine zone in medlab three.

[TeJor] <AMO3>::cocks eyebrown:: <AMO1> I must agree with you.

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor>+Helm/TAC+ I assume you have a medical team to send, no? We need extra hands down there.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::underbreathe:: Fighting off klingons with your bare hands....Priceless.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO1> Bring the computers and diagnostic equipment in medlab three online.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ We Have a Med Team Prepped and Ready to be beamed down sir.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2> <>CMO> yes sir

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Aye, Sir.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::prepares medlab 3::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ What else do you need?

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> Please ensure there are a couple full medkits in the lab. We may be allowed to beam one of the victims ship-side.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> In the meantime, we need someone sent up here for study.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::moves to diagnostics power panel and powers up the medical equipment::

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Heads to the tertiary medical console, readying the quarantine force fields. ::Sets them to level 7:: ::

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+ I'm boosting power to all internal force field generators, I will monitor life support systems and atmospheric conditioners.

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor>+Helm/TAC+ All the supplies you can spare would be excellent.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye sir, live or deceased?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ Please stand-by.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::prepares low level shielding for quarentine of medlab 3::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> A live patient.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Sir they want any supplies we can spare as well?

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Acknowledged. Thank you.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> ::Nods:: We have supplies stocked up in the cargo bay and we'll have them transferred down.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Acknowledged.

[Vatric] <OPS>+Computer+ Initiate standard Quarantine Protocols on Medical Decks ::alerting the CSEC of the situation as well, coordinating with the CSCI and CENG::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ Your Supplies will be transferred down, Governor, also could you send a live subject with the disease for study?

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::prepares to monitor diagnostic readouts of the patient coming ship-side::

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> Sir, there's a slight power fluctuation in the primary EPS conduit powering the force fields. Recommend we switch to backups in case the field shuts down.

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor> ::Pauses a moment as he confers with the Starfleet rep with him:: +Helm/TAC+ Ah... yes. We can send someone up.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> Yes. Reroute to bypass that conduit.

[Vatric] <OPS>::reading the history of the Federation colony and its economic, social, cultural, and philosophical attributes displayed on the LCARS panel::

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> Aye sir. ::Does as ordered::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ Most Appreciated Governor, Thank You, Janus out.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::waiting at Diagnostic panel...admires the lay out of the Akira Class vessel's sick bay::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CMO+ Stand by doctor, someone is on the way.

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Completes work on the bypass.::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CMO+ Is the field up?

[Vatric] <OPS>::tiles his displays and accesses the short range sensors:: +Computer+ Initiate standard short range sensor sweep of Carmella System

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +CO+ One moment, Captain. We are nearly read.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> Is the quarantine field operational?

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> Field ready Sir. On your command.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::monitors force fields surrounding medlab 3 and diagnostic panels indicating the patient's vital signs.::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> Engage the field.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::montiors the planet for any ships departing::


[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> Field engaged at level 7 quarantine mode.

[Vatric] <OPS>::transfers his readings to the THELM::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +CO+ Aye, Captain. The field is ready.

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor>+Helm/TAC+ I'm standing by here with a patient... can you lock on?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ I will confirm.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::begins to try and get a lock.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Stand by for incoming. Who wants to take bedside duty?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] ::

[Vatric] <OPS>::prepping the Cargo transporters with medical biofilter subroutines::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::locks onto the patient:: +Colony+ Patient Locked Onto. I will energize on your command.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::places his EVA helmet one and engages breathing::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] on*

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><CMO> I can take that duty.

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> I will monitor the power flow to the fields, I managed to correct most of the fluctuations, but there are still slight ones. Shouldn't be a problem, however I recommend reporting this to OPS for further analysis.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+Helm/TAC+ Have them stand by for the supplies as well.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO2> ::nods:: Okay, you're in.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye sir.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::activates full EVA suit functions, airflow begins in suit::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ Stand by for your requested Supplies as well Governor.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Mr. Vatric, transport that patient into the quarantine zone.

[Vatric] <OPS>::increasing power to the biofilters on the personnel transporters and increasing resolution to maximum on the annular confinement beam::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO2> Make sure your suit is completely sealed. When you are ready, move into the decom chamber.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> Thank you.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::cecks out suit, then enters the medlab::

[TeJor] <AMO3>::With Vulcan patience, continualy monitors the power flow and makes slight adjustments when needed. He is not concerned.::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Aye sir, ::tapping console initiating the matter stream dematerialization sequence through the pattern buffers:: +CMO+ Transport In Progress.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::taps:: +OPS+ deBain to Operations. Just as an aside, one of the conduits supplying power to the field generators here in Sickbay appears to be malfunctioning slightly. We have rerouted to bypass the faulty conduit; however, someone should

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::appears in the lab, looking normal, but has a terrible tick in her head, tremors in her hands, and is flushed in the face:::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>:: waves tricorder over patient

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Watches as the Patient materializes ahead of him on the biobed and begins running primary diagnostics::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::can't stop her head from ticking to the side:::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Acknowledged. We have received the patient and are beginning diagnosis.

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+ I will notify Engineering shortly and adjust the power flow to the EPS systems.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Get in touch with the cargo crew, have them prepare the supplies for transport.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Thank you. Sickbay out.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>computer begin monitoring the patient's condition using full sensor array.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> I hope . . hope . . hope you ha..ha..have a c..c..cure cure.

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+ Are you kidding!?, ::Just realizing the gravity of the situation::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><Patient> don't worry, we'll find one.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> ::Blinks::

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Moves over to medical station 4.::

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+ The Engineering staff is not available, but I suggest you get one of your Doctors cracking on that, it could become a serious problem.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> Good. I'm getting tired . . . tired . . .tired of repeat...repeating...everything...everything.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Reading off panel info:: Vital signs stable...nervous system read outs fluxuating...Cerebral Pattern analysis inconclusive...

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ No, I am not kidding. As I said, we have bypassed the faulty conduit, and are monitoring the situation carefully. We have backup systems ready and waiting, should the need occur.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Operations Staff in Cargo Bay 3 is being briefed as we speak Captain, the Quartermaster has recieved the Requisition Order from the Governor.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::tickticktick:: It's hot. .. hot in here.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Get in touch with main engineering, they'll send someone to have a look at it.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::searching for microbes in patient's blood::

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> I can repair the conduit if need be Sir. ::Continues to monitor the power flow::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Runs secondary specified diagnostic on patient::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::REadings coming back::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO3> Excellent. I'll monitor the power flow while you do so.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMO1> body temperature is beginning to drop.

[Vatric] <OPS>::powering up the redundant Quarantine field generators and shutting down the damaged system completely::

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+<CO> Engineering will be there shortly.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::tickticktick::: Drop . . . drop? It's hot . . . hot . . . hot in he . . he . . . here.

[TeJor] <AMO3><CMO> Aye Sir, the conduit is located on the lower level. I will take the Jeffreys tubes to its location. ::Leaves the medlab::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::takes over medconsole four, monitoring power flow::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMO!> tricorder detects no apparent microbial infection.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::face flushed:::begins to fan herself with a trembling hand:::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Acknowledged, thank you.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Do we have a good enough eye on the colony, Mr. Pilot?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::scans::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain Sir, all Medical Decks have been isolated with Level 12 Force Fields and Quarantine Protocols have been initiated. The patient has been recieved in the Med Lab.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Brain Functions...Quadrant A: Stable...Quadrant B: Stable...C: Fluxuating...Quad D: Stable....Cerebral Patterns: strangely digressing.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Acknowledged and confirmed sir, we have an excellent view.

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Arrives at the EPS conduit.::

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor>+Helm/TAC+ Geodus colony... we're standing by to receive the supplies now.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::scans for auxiliary nerve functions in the PNS of patient::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><OpS> Begin transporting the Supplies, they have confirmed Readiness.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::tick:::fan:::tick:::fan:::wholebodyjerk::: Whoa...

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Sir, my first set of diagnostic scans are complete...I believe it's safe to say this disease is isolated in the third quadrant of the brain and attacks the nervous system.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Suppliy Shipment is ready for Transport from Cargo Bay 3 Captain. It's quite a haul, but I think we can handle it.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMO1> did the computer detect an elevated level of phenelalanine in that quadrant?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> ::Nods:: Begin the transports, you should have the coordinates from TAC

[TeJor] <AMO3>+Ops+ TeJor to OPS, request power shutdown of section C-125l, conduit Alpha. I need to replace a faulty EPS conduit.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> Scanning now....::Checks::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> Th..th..this is st..st...strange...I can...can...can't control my..my...myself..::::jerks:::

[Vatric] <OPS><TAC> Could you please confirm the exact tonnage and coordinates?

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: There is phaser fire on the surface

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><OPS>::transfers Coordinates::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> Unclear...fluxuating information...i am now reading an elevated level yes...but it's unstable.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain, I am detecting weapons discharge on Carmella III's surface!

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Sir, my sensors are picking up phaser fire on the surface!

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMO1> we should restrain the patient, he is moving too much...

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Mr. Vatric, transport the supplies

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Where on the surface?

[Vatric] <OPS><TAC> Thanks ::recieves coordinates::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> Agreed...

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] In the colony.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Sir, we will need to restrain the patient.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Cargo Transporters Engaged

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC> In the colony.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::face flushes crimson::::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>:: begins engaging biobed restraints::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Put it on screen. Can you determine who's firing?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::puts it on the screen::

[Vatric] <OPS>::boosting power to the pattern buffers monitors the transport sequence::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::still monitoring his diagnostic panel as readings pour in::

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The screen shows a Starfleet shuttle with two unconscious officers next to the hatch

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::watching the procedure::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Unable to identify those two officers sir.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMO1> restraints engaged.<patient> its going to be all right.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Shall I try to send lockout codes to the shuttle pod?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Frowns:: +Helm/TAC+ Get a report from the colony, find out what they know.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::jerk:::twitch::: I...I...I...hope...hope...so...so.

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Repaired the conduit, heads back to the medlab.::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> ::Nods:: They'll have to get within suitable range first

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ USS Janus to the Colony, please respond!

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Preparing to begin second phase of Diagnostics...focusing on the Third Quadrant of the brain... ::begins diagnostic as the long scanner goes over the patient's head::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO1,2> That the illness is neurological suggest biochemical origins..

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The shuttle lifts off and its shields go up

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><CMO> possibly.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Sir! Shuttle has gained Flight!

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor>+Janus+ We have a situation down here! Colonists have commandeered a shuttle!

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain shuttle craft is entering orbit, it's defensive systems are active.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> I suggest we go to Yellow Alert

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> The final group of test should determine how it began and how it is contracted...we can work back from there.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+ShuttlePod+ This is the USS Janus, I repeat reverse engines, you are leaving a Quarantined Area!

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Arrives at medlab:: ::Takes back his console::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Nods:: <Helm/TAC> Yellow alert. Hail the shuttle. Order them to stand down.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO1,2> Good work.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Second phase part 1 readouts begin to come back::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>Yellow alert sir.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::set yellow alert status::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMO1> how is red blood cell count?

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::jerk:::twitch:::

[Vatric] <OPS>+ALL HANDS+ Acknowledge YELLOW ALERT status.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::glancing up as yellow lights in key areas begin flashing::

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The shuttle continues to break from the colony

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::hails the shuttle pod again::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Sickbay acknowledging yellow alert. What's going on up there/

[Vatric] <OPS>::scanning the shuttle craft::

[TeJor] <AMO3>::Switches to vital sign monitor as well.::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> No respond sir, shall I shoot her down?

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::face looks like every capillary is going to pop:::goes into convulsions:::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO/AMOs> Quadrant 3 brain activity: Suppressed...unclear to origin...Brain Synopses: Slowed...reaction time handicapped...Red Blood Cell Count: Decreasing.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Can we send the lockdown codes now?

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Yes.

[Vatric] <OPS>+CMO+ The colonists have commandeered a shuttle craft and are entering orbit::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::activates his EVA suit fully, enters the decom chamber::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> Prepare for second phase part two diagnostics...

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::jerk:::jerk:::jerk::::jerk::::

[Vatric] <OPS><TAC> ::in shock:: Shoot her down?!?

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Acknowledged.. Sickbay out.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Shall I sir?

[TeJor] <AMO3><AMO1> I shall assist you. ::Taps his console gracefully::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::prepares patient, injects with neuro suppressor::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> ::Nods::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::sends the lockout codes to the shuttlepod::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::enters medlab three:: Colonists have commandeered a shuttle and are entering orbit. Hence the yellow alert.

[TeJor] <AMO3><AMOs>The patients heart rate has shot up.

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The shuttle swings away from Janus and around the planet, the lockdown codes do not affect it

[Vatric] <OPS>::informs the CSEC of the situation::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO/AMOs> Patient suppressed...beginning second part of phase two diagnostics...::Begins diagnostic::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::neuro suppressor takes hold:::begins to calm:::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::checks bio readings::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Sir I believe the codes did nothing.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::watching the vital readings::

[sTSF_Jami] <patient> :::heart slows to 35bpm:::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Shall I pursue and take the ship before it goes to warp...

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> Heart rate decreasing.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain the shuttle craft is proceeding to the far side of the planet.

[KorsonofRok] <KBOP> ::a klingon Bird of Prey decloaks and targets the shuttle ::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMOs> were ready for the final phase of testing.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <<OMG>>

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Frowns at the screen:: <Helm/TAC> Pursue. We're going to have to try to disable them.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::information comes back slower this time with the deeper scan::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::30 bpm:::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm?TAC> Continue hailing

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::breaks orbit::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> Thirty BMP.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::sets a pursue course and hails the shuttle again::

[Vatric] <OPS>::trying to interrupt their comm signal by running an active tranciever pulse from the deflector shield::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> They should hear that Captain, unless their deaf.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO/AMOs> Brain Trauma: 25% above safe level...Chemical Affect: Substance changing membrane and cells...Unknown substance is affecting the patient's membranes and slowing any regenerative processes.

[Vatric] <OPS>::PING! PING! PING!::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::brings the Janus up behind the Shuttle::

[Vatric] <OPS><TAC> That should get their attention.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>can we dissolve it with enzymes?

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO1> Can we get a solid scan on that substance?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> What, are they trying to get away from us? ::Shakes head:: Try to bring their shields down.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> Heart rate holding at 30 BMP.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Attempting to Isolate...

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::hails the shuttle:: This is Federation Starship Janus, Stop or be disabled now!

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> Begin a localized scan on the substance you located earlier...this could be a mutated after glow of it.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::arms phasers::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2>::begins scanning::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::locks onto the shield modulator::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Frowns:: Stupid. They'll never be able to outrun us.

[TeJor] <AMO3>The patient's neural synapses are beginning to break down. Recommend cortical stimulator.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> On your command sir.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> If we can localize it...and determine it's nature we may be able to dissolve as you said.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> We have to preserve the quarantine... fire. But disable only

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::fires at the shield modulator::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO3> Agreed. <CMO> Sir, we need to stimulate his brain waves...or we will lose him.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::30 bpm:::very pale:::not very responsive:::

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><AMOs>readings are suggesting expansion into quadrants 2&4!

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::reaches toward the medcart, picking up the stimulator::

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The shuttle breaks away from the planet's far side, it's shields dropping from the phaser fire

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain I can increase the bandwidth to the active tranciever ping and knock them unconscious.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::places the cortical stimulator on the patient's forehead:: Stimulator charging.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::moves into a pursue course again but in tractor range::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Sighs at opening fire on Federation citizens:: +CMO+ Doctor... how close are you to results down there?

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Sir, the shuttle is drifting away from Carmella III.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO2> Focus on isolating that substance.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO2> Scan confirms...2 & 4 are beginning to break down as well...IF ONLY we could isolate it some how....perhaps a radiation pulse could slow it's progression.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Sir, shall I tow them and raise our shields around them incase they try to beam out?

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::fades:::::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO1> Scan sectors 2 and 4, see what the level of the substance is there.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> ::Nods:: But keep an eye on their weapons. No telling what they're willing to do to get away.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> Cortical stimulator charged. Clear.

[Vatric] <OPS>::the Cargo transporters finish their operations just as the Janus breaks standard orbit::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +CO+ We believe we are close, Captain.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::discharges the cortical stimulator::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::JERK::::

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: A freighter lifts off from the colony

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> Aye, sir...scanning ::Scans sector 2 & 4::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Captain the Colony has recieved all requested materiel.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><CMO>got it, it is 12% argon, 16 percent phosphorus and the rest is carbon...

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::fades:::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::activates a tractor beam on the shuttle and brings shields around the shuttle and montiors::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CMO+ Good to hear... we're getting escape attempts here.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::JERKJERK::::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> Stimulator recharged. Clear.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::discharges the stimulator::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::::JERK::::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Sir, short range sensors are picking up a Freight Lifter leaving the planet, well trying to.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO2> Attempt to dissolve.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO/AMOs> Sir, the cerebral quadrants are completely eveloped...it is now spreading to sector 1....we must isolate it and try to kill it off.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::tremble::::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <Patient> (q) Come on.. don't give up now..

[Vatric] <OPS>+ALL HANDS+ Holding at Yellow Alert

[sTSF_Jorlis] #Governor>+Janus+ Hello?! Janus?! Are you there?! They've commandeered a freighter now!

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] enveloped*

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ We picked that up.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMO1> Do it.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Colony+ Please stand by why we try to resolve it

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::trembles::::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> ::Frowns:: Another? Get us back to the colony, keep the shuttle in tow.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> aye

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::glancing down at the stimulator:: Stand clear..

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::discharges the stimulator::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Who's on board the shuttle?

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><MOs> enzymes are not dissolving the substance...

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::JERK:::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::proceeds back to the colony with the shuttle in tow::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO/AMOs> Prepping a cerebral radiation pulse to kill off the chemical.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Have they stolen our supplies?

[sTSF_Jorlis] ACTION: The freighter warps out of the system

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> ::glancing up at the vital readings::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::deep breath::::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> These colonists are beginning to annoy me.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMO3> Power it up please.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> sir, they're gone *)

[TeJor] <AMO3><AMO1> Aye.

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::::35bpm::::40bpm::::45::::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::tremble::::tick::::rest::::

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> Heartrate on the rise.. 45 BPM.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <AMOs/CMO> Stand clear...running first burst directed at sector 3 the most affected.

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Sir the freighter is exiting the System at high warp velocity.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO <AMO1> Standing clear.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Sighs:: <OPS> Inform the Doctors we need to transport them to the surface immediately

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO & OPS> Thats pretty fast.

[Vatric] <OPS>::initiates the long range sensor pallet::

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Fires first burst of radiation particles::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> :::deeper breath:::50bpm:::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::;color returning to face:::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> Track the freighter and lay in a pursuit course.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye

[Vatric] <OPS><CO>+CMO+ Doctor, the Captain wants to relocate your operation to the planet surface.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO/AMOs> Seems to be working...let's focus on the other quadrants now...next burst in 3...2...1...::Fires::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::::55::::60bpm::::

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>::scans for the warp signature and lays in a pursuit course::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Can we do this without a Security contingency?

[TeJor] <AMO3><AMO1>It appears to be working. Narrowing the beam will increase results.

[cdt_Montague] <AMO2><MOs> positron scanners are detecting the clearing of the chemical levels at 12%

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm/TAC> I think we were duped. Inform Starfleet they're going to need to send backup.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Laid in sir, Warp At Max?

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> <AMOs> Good work.

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> <CMO> I believe we've done it doctor

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC><CO> Aye sir.

[Vatric] <OPS>::prepares all transporters and brings the entire Transporter Grid to full power::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> We'll have a couple people accompany them. Inform security.

[Ens._Malik_Pilot] <HELM/TAC>+Starfleet Command+ USS Janus reporting to Starfleet Command over?

[Ens_Pinner_Chase] <AMO1> ::Grins as the other quadrants begin to clear::

[sTSF_Jami] <Patient> ::breathing more evenly:::seems to be more relaxed::::

[Vatric] <OPS><CO> Aye sir, informing the parties now.

[Cdt_deBain] <CMO> +OPS+ Inform the Captain that we have found a means of causing the illness to regress and are ready to beam down to begin deployment.

[sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- PAUSE SIM -=/\=-

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