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Do you.... cebu?

How do you feel about Veggie Tales?   32 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about Veggie Tales?

    • I love Veggie Tales!!
    • It's okay, but come on... they're veggies...
    • What are these... Veggies... you speak of?
    • Ugh, I hate Veggie Tales.
    • I eat my veggies, not watch 'em.

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27 posts in this topic

"We are the Pirates, who don't do anything ... we just stay home and lie around, and if you ask us to do anything ... we'll just tell you -- We don't do anything"


LOLOL -- my kiddos are "to old" (so they say) to watch the videos anymore, however on long car trips I toss in a few of my favorites that I kept back from the yard sales and they still watch them and laugh and laugh. I've kept the sing along CDs too -- they are the best.


I love the French Peas

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;) Proveggies you say!

Well......let's see.


"God is bigger than the boogie man, he's bigger than godzilla or the monsters on tv."


"When I was just eight years old I left my lips out in the cold and they turned blue, what could I do. They turned blue what could I do. I love my lips!"


"Welcome to silly songs with Larry, this is the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song." "Oh where is my hairbrush...oh where is my hairbrush, oh where oh where oh where is my hairbrush." "I lost my poor hairbrush, (but larry you don't have any hair.) Can't find my my poor hairbrush. WHAT! No hair for my hairbrush!? Not fair my poor hairbrush, no hair for my hairbrush, no hair not fair, no hair not fair, my poor hairbrush."


Oh yah The waterbuffalo song, stand up stand up for what you believe in, ceeeeeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuu, and of course Wow 99's His Cheeseburger his lovely cheeseburger, he'll wait for you ooo oh he'll wait for you oooo. And if the world suddenly ran out of cheese he would get down on his hands and knees. And if someone accidently dropped his cheese in the dirt, he clean it off for you , he'd clean it off for you , he'd clean that dirty cheese off just for you, cuz you are....his....cheese bur...ger!" (It's a song about a guy that loves cheeseburgers)


Um yah definately proveggie :P ;)


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