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RE: Starfleet Security Advanced Tactical Training

FROM: Starfleet Command Assignment Division; Starfleet Command Security Division; Starfleet Academy Advanced Training Department

TO: Lieutenant (junior grade) Wimbley X. Murray, USS Reaent NCC 3345-G

RE: Starfleet Security Advanced Tactical Training


Mr. Murray,


We have reviewed your application for Advanced Tactical Training. We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into the program to be held on the grounds of Starfleet Academy and aboard the training vessel of your choice. Your commanding officer, Captain Fred C. Michaels, USS Reaent, has been informed of your acceptance to the training program. The program begins in one month’s time on stardate 0505.16 and will terminate three months later on stardate 0508.12.


You are asked to arrive in San Francisco, California, Earth no later than stardate 0505.06 for in-person registration and assignment of training sessions. You have been assigned to Starfleet Academy’s Forrest dormitory building, Room 215, or you may choose to find your own accommodations. You are asked to bring with you one Type-II hand phaser and one Type-III phaser rifle, current issue.


Your training will consist of one month in advanced tactics in hand to hand combat and using current Federation-issue weapons, i.e. Type-II hand phaser, Type-III phaser rife, isomagnetic disintegrator, et al; current non-human standard-issue weapons, i.e. Romulan disruptor, Klingon disruptor, Klingon bat’leth, Klingon d’k’tagh, et al; and other non-human weapons, i.e. Andorian ushaan, Vulcan lirpa, et al. Some of these are required training; others are electives of personal preference. Not all of the above weapons will be used in the course of the Advanced Tactical training. Also included in your training is one month of advanced security techniques, and advanced away team training; and one month advanced use of the tactical console, including, but not limited to, targeting, evasive maneuvers, pursuit maneuvers, and beginner command strategy. Your final month of training will be held on the training vessel of your choice, pending availability of that vessel.


We look forward to advancing your knowledge in your chosen Starfleet career field.


Admiral Ruth K. Hendrix, Starfleet Security

Admiral Sonan, Starfleet Security

Admiral Martin J. Hummel, Starfleet Command

Admiral Elizabeth W. Philips, Starfleet Academy

Edited by WxMurray

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