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Good times, Bad times...

Good times, Bad times...

A Log by: Lt. Aaron Westler, Ph.D.




Sitting at the desk in sickbay, coordinating what equipment the recently-enlarged Medical staff would need on this trip, Aaron could hardly keep his mind off the last 20 minutes. In that short amount of time, the Chief had rewarded his hard work by making him the Head Departmental Coordinator for Medical. Then, out of the blue, he had been given a promotion to Full Lieutenant. Walking out of Andrea's office he had a small grin on his face, and he got to work locating where each needed piece of equipement was. Looking over to see Miranda, Sasbas, and Entek putting kits together and moving things to the Launch Bays, he quickly opened a connection to home to inform them of the good news.


However, there already was a message from Earth waiting for him, but not from home. Aaron was dumbstruck as he opened and read the letter from his hometown's "sheriff". His family's home had burned to the ground. His parents had been rushed to the hospital about an hour earlier. Apparantly they had been asleep when it started.


The hospital listed his father in critical condition, his mother as "Recovering from surgery". Aaron's blood ran cold, and he closed his eyes. "This isn't happening, this isn't happening..." he muttered as he began to feel dizzy and light-headed. His eyes fluttered and black began to envelope him...



Edited by Aaron_Westler

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