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Mission Commander’s Log, Stardate 0502.28

Xavier made his way to his Vacuum tent. He entered the pressurization chamber, when it had pressurized he entered the tent, Graham was busy somewhere else. Xavier took off his EVA suit.


“Damn it Juhdia, you are getting to old for this.” Xavier placed his helmet on the desk and rubbed the ridge of his nose.


Xavier stretched in his chair, “Computer begin Mission Commander’s log.” The computer chirped in response.


“Mission Commander’s log, Stardate 0502.28. Work has begun on the listening post, if I work non-stop, then the post will be done in the next two days. I cannot ask any more of the Away Team, least they waste their oxygen reserves and that is not a price I can pay. But if they die in finishing the listening post, then that is a small price to pay for the safety of the Federation from the One-Hundred. And just when I felt like I was getting somewhere with Elaine…”


Xavier thought to himself, “Computer, erase that last part”


“Now I cannot state the mental status of the members of the Away Team, I can state that they are getting the job done. Whether or not we can complete the job, that is another thing altogether.”


Xavier sighed, “Computer pause log.” Xavier stood up and stretched his back. “I am to old. I can remember when mankind looked at the stars as Gods, then we saw the first asteroid. And little did I know I would wind up being stuck on one of these rocks. Damn blasted war.” He sat back down, “Computer resume log.”


“If all else fails, I will finish this listening post. Computer end and file log.”


With that Xavier put on his EVA and headed out to the still unfinished listening post, he then took out his laser torch and etched something on the inside of the listening post’s shell.


“If all else, at least we did our jobs.”

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