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The Ashari Nebula: Stardate 0502.24

The Ashari Nebula

Stardate 0502.24




As the cosmic swirls of gasses in the Ashari nebula wrapped themselves around the Dominion Warship Heliago a much more sinister and imposing ship sailed into view. Before the Heliago could react, it was destroyed.


In a dark room aboard the marauding vessel, the reaction was more tempered.


“A pitty to destroy such a ship,” a tall bird-like figure said to someone standing in the corner of the room. “I do hope that it was not one of yours.”


“It wasn’t,” the darkened figure said from the shadows. “But it will only arise more suspicion if a capitol cruiser has gone missing.”


“All the better,” the bird-like figure said, folding his wings behind him. “We’re adding it to our ‘graveyard.’”


A light beeped on his wrist communicator and he stepped outside the room for a moment, and then returned.


“We’ve had a delay…”




“The Republic…”


“She should be here by now…”


“Apparently they have neutralized the brood we planted on the Bolian bait.”


The figure in the corner was visibly upset. “I thought you assured me that the vessel would either be destroyed…or at…our disposal?”


The bird-man turned. His face was not quite as birdlike has his body; the eyes were centered front, and in the place of a beak was a much flatter snout, brimming with sharp teeth. “Do not forget who is making this venture possible…”


For a moment the two seemed to stare the other down, waiting for the other to make a move. After a few long moments, the silence was broken again.


“So what are we going to do?”


“Plan C…as the humans would say.”


“And what is that,” the figure in the corner said. “Take it by force.”


“To risky,” the bird like figure said returning his gaze to the window. “They will come straight to me. Have you forgotten their lost vessel?”


“Of course,” the figure said. “And the other vessels, have you…acquired them?”


“All of the pieces are in place now,” the birdman said, “All I need now is the Republic…”



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