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Remind you of anyone?

Hmmm I can not "put my finger on it"

Oh yes, 'The Doctor' (VOY)

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Wow! It's me!

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I actually thought it was Murray, but oh well.

Well, that's who I was shooting for. You folks must not know me that well.

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Nope. I guess not. :wacko:

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We handed one of those out this week at my job and put them on everyone's desk...::smirks::

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Hmmm I can not "put my finger on it"

Oh yes, 'The Doctor' (VOY)

Though that is a great guess, you will soon learn that Murray sits around after sims blabing about how beautiful he is.


Have Fun!

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Though that is a great guess, you will soon learn that Murray sits around after sims blabing about how beautiful he is.


Have Fun!

That he does. :)

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Doesn't remind me of anyone.

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