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Sleep Like a Baby

Murray yawned as he waited in the transporter room. He had a few moments off duty and had made a beeline for the transporter. He had come aboard the Reaent with few of his possessions, just the important stuff: toothbrush, comb, uniforms, and things of that nature. Starfleet had his stuff shipped to Starbase 173 when the orders to proceed there came through.


The signal of communications contact with the Starbase came on. Murray opened a com link with the station’s quartermaster. “Quartermaster, this is Ensign Wimbley Murray on the Reaent. Do you have a package or two for me?”


“Murray, huh? Let me check.” A pause. “No, I’m afraid not.”


“Are you sure? Starfleet said they'd send my personal effects via Federation Express to the starbase.”


“Federation Express, huh? They might as well have sent it by Pony Express. For some reason, those packages don’t get mixed with the others. More like dumped on the floor in a pile.” The QM stepped into a side room to look for Murray’s packages.


Murray looked around and yawned again. He hadn’t been sleeping well. Those beds just didn’t do it for him. He needed more. And more was in his package of possessions. If his stuff wasn’t here, he knew he would have to go to sickbay for sedatives. As nice as the people are in sickbay, he’d rather forego the sedative and lollipop for his things.


The QM returned to the com with two large boxes on an antigrav dolly. “Here we go. Back corner, with our shipment of phaser rifles that we’ve been looking for for two months. Beam them over when you are ready.”


Murray looked at the transporter chief. “Energize.”


Murray smiled and looked at the boxes as the materialized on the transporter pad. “Thank you very much.”


“Not at all. Starbase quartermaster out.”


Later, back in his quarters, Murray began to unpack. His spartan quarters were soon going to feel like home. Murray first dumped everything on his bed. He knew he’d never finish putting his things away unless he had a reason to. Not being able to sleep was a reason.


Murray began to go through his stuff: a picture of his parents, a box of tissues, his model starships….


“Ah! This is what I need.” He removed the current pillows from his bed and replaced them with his own. He pulled out a blanket, one very special to him. It belonged to his great-grandfather and Murray received it when he had died. Then Murray saw something even more important to him. He picked it up and smiled.


“Now I can sleep like a baby.” He put his teddy bear on his pillow and proceeded to put the rest of his personal effects away.




Edited by WxMurray

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