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Pirate attack

Chief Engineer's log, Febuary 15, 2155:


The ship is in shambles, that last attack by the Orion pirate's did a serious number on this vessel. We've arrived at the drydock orbiting Earth, and the Starfleet engineers have just arrived to start our repairs. I gave the drydock chief my report. He was amazed we were able to make it back to earth. We lost 40 percent of structural integrity when the pirate's initiated that massive gravitational field by our ship. The warp reactor's supports were compromised by 22 percent, they will have to be replaced. I made a request for more circutry panel's. The chief laughed dryly when I told him how many of the spare panel's we had used. We stopped at Deneva and returned the colonist's back to their home. The asteroid was succesfully destroyed save for several large chunks that hit the planet. The settlement's were not damaged. Not an hour after releasing the torpedo's, a fleet of Orion's dropped out of warp and beamed over several colonist's and crew members. Word has it that they were going to be sold on the Orion slave market. We gave chase and caught up to the Orion's. They weren't happy to see us and opened fire. The bridge tactical officer took out the Orion's weapon's and the prisoner's were beamed back to Challenger using our transporter. The Orion's hit us with a massive gravitational field, literally streatching the ship what felt like meter's longer than it should be causing severe structual stress. A wormhole opened up and the fleet slipped into it. Even though I was up to my armpit's in busted ship, I still reached over and started the scanners to catch the wormhole. Starfleet command will be very interested to know that the Orion's have that technology. I've handed the engine room over to the drydock engineer's and I'm heading back to New Orleans for a little shoreleave. I may see if Ensign M'rrisha would like to accompany me.

On a more personal and sad note. My bunkmate Ensign Jon Marks lost his life in the attack. He awoke from his coma only to be killed when the ceiling above him collapsed. He will be greatly missed. I've taken the personal liberty of gathering his belongings from our quarters together. I will return them to his family along with his remains. More later.



Edited by DaryusWilliams

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