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I see the light!

Ok, if no one else has ever noticed this, it means i'm OCD with a flare for interior decorating, but I assume someone else has. Look at this picture, see that lighting fixture set piece on the wall? it has been used in every Starfleet anything since TNG (maybe not ENT, i'm not sure) but its on every ship, in every HQ room, its like the 23rd century universal lighting fixture, has anyone else noticed this, and do you think its purposeful. Also, where do you think i could get one to put in my room? :lol:



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I'm not sure to which lights you're referring, but it's probably a cost-saving measure. For example, the windows in Voyager's briefing room are actually those from Enterprise-D's Ten-Forward Lounge, just turned upside down. And the corridors of the Enterprise-D were reused from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They like to reuse the sets. :lol:


Try eBay . . . maybe they have a nice lighting fixture for you.

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Or just try calling some interior designers.. I'm sure they can accomadate your requests. :lol:

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I'm not sure to which lights you're referring,

Look on the back wall of the bridge, there is one fastened to the wall next to each of the doors leading from the bridge. Once you notice that, you begin to notice them all over the place on nearly every star trek set.

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Set pieces get reused all the time in Star Trek. It's a cost-saving measure. The President's office in Star Trek VI was a redress of Ten Forward. The helm and nav consoles on the Enterprise-B are the helm and ops consoles from the Enterprise-D. A new captain's chair being installed on the Enterprise-E bridge in a deleted scene from Nemesis has been installed as Captain Archer's new chair. I could go on forever, but I think you get the point.


Anyway, it would be cool to have lighting like that at home.

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no the deleated scene chair is definetly not the same as archers. That one is a big huge rounded thing. Archer's chair came from a porche, serously, thats where they got the prop.

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no the deleated scene chair is definetly not the same as archers. That one is a big huge rounded thing. Archer's chair came from a porche, serously, thats where they got the prop.

It was modified some, but I still think they're the same.

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