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I have just realized that i have told you almost nothing about myself.


Bio:I was born on Vulcan, my father T'omek was a City Oficiall, and my mother Selnon was a docter and worked at an Apothecary. My brother joined star Fleet when I was 38, and just before my mother died, of age. I attended the Acd. on vulcan, and graduated at the top of my classes. I had my mothers understanding for plants, and after my time at the Vulcan Acd. I opened my own Apothecary, then my father alo died , he was nearly 224 years old. I made the decision to go to earth with my brother, untill the time came for me to return to Vulcan and marrie the mate my parents had chosen for me when I was a child. While i was on earth i decided to further my education and so I enroled at the Federation Acd. I am now 67 years old.


I truely hope this will give you a better picture of who I am.

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Yes it does :P


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Thank you! The trend i've seen is that people don't really put character's together until after the academy...But I know I was making plans right from the get go :P . So thank you for sharing...with that background in plant life you may make a very good science officer someday :D .

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Thank you! The trend i've seen is that people don't really put character's together until after the academy...But I know I was making plans right from the get go :P . So thank you for sharing...with that background in plant life you may make a very good science officer someday :D .

Well...I don't mean to burst your bubble.


But it is generally recommended that players wait until after graduating the academy to really start genuinely thinking about their characters. STSF Academy sims are training simulations; they are generally not environments for character building. There's no gurantee that characters will be approved on an advanced simulation. Most GMs are very strict about the kind of GMs that they allow on their ship. For example: It's just not reality to have a species in Starfleet from a pre-warp civilization. :P

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Hey, Welcome aboard and have fun any ways. :D :P

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Most GMs are very strict about the kind of GMs that they allow on their ship.

Hmm, a bit of tension amongst the ranks of STSF, I see? LOL.. :P

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Hmm, a bit of tension amongst the ranks of STSF, I see? LOL.. :P

haha, the good natured fun-making of typos is always a good pasttime

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Most GMs are very strict about the kind of GMs that they allow on their ship.

Darn right! The last time we found a stray GM on the Qob we hog-tied him and drug him through the mud by his ankles! :P

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Hmm, a bit of tension amongst the ranks of STSF, I see? LOL.. :P

uuuh...doh! :D

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Don't wory about my character being set in stone, I'm an actor so for me I have to know who I am to do something like this. My character verrywell may change drastically after the Acd. I may even develop a comlpetely new character. But for now this is my character while I am at the Acd.

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